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‘appointed’. But those thrown out were also persons Mother appointed. And they

were ruthlessly removed from all contact with Auroville. It is held that they wanted

to possess Auroville – and this was a prime error. But EVERY SINGLE ‘mistake’ the

SAS made, every manipulation, every power game, every use of legal means is

being repeated by currently upheld ‘appointees’.

Sri Aurobindo speaks of one law of the universe – when and if you conquer

something, beware: for the spirit of that which you have conquered may actually

conquer you! Thus, those who ‘removed’ the SAS for the ‘ills’ it represented have

themselves become the permanent representatives and repositories of those ills!

Today this force, reaching out for control and possession, is clearly active and

visible. It hides behind arguments of sacred, divinely ordained appointments; and if

that does not work it puts forward arguments of power trips; and if even that does

not work, it is the argument of ‘reclaiming’ Matrimandir for Auroville. As if spiritual

force ever needs belligerent political manoeuvring to assert itself! Those who dare

point to the crass, subliminal political game are immediately dubbed dark forces –

or the unsuspecting followers and channels of dark forces! They must be purged for

their own good. And who would want the label of standing up for dark forces – all

but the bravest scurry for cover before such an accusation!

This Great Possessor force and its bullies upon the ground want to ‘seize’ Auroville

in the same manner as the SAS did; even if they use the arguments of the

Abrahamic religions. It is for this reason there is such a no-holds barred vicious

campaign against the Matrimandir group and anyone else who dares speak in its

favour. The little David with slingshot full of honest work must confront the great

and armoured Goliath of the united Empire holders who are the ‘keepers of the

truth’ of Auroville.

. To cut to the chase!

We should not allow ourselves to be distracted – the issue is not about recognition

of a ‘divinely chosen or appointed’ person: the issue is who or what will control

Auroville’s destiny, its money, its governance and, most of all, its Soul at the

Centre. There is a great deal of personal ambition in the main attackers. Already

there are those in the ‘entourage’ who are there simply because they see

themselves as the next Pope. Auroville and Matrimandir remains for some that

irresistible Eden, that forbidden fruit, which all such egoistic forces want to occupy,

to possess or to devour. And the present rounds of actions around the Soul are

merely the first step in a process that could establish for a long time this control,

this power dispensation.

Therefore it has the power to distort for a long period the future of Auroville; unless

a Grace intervenes!

. The continued fallout of Auroville’s political past.

It is also a strange illusion and distortion of a deeper truth when people imply that

the dark forces are always in the ‘other’. This often translates when history is

analysed as the position that the SAS was false or dark or wrong and the

Aurovilians were true and right. And today around the Matrimandir situation this

antediluvian ideology continues on track wanting to remove the ‘dark’ elements. It