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This then is a first view of some of the issues which I offer at the feet of the soul of

India; the soul of Auroville, the ancient immemorable Shakti who must discover

herself in Auroville.


*On Matrimandir and the play of forces. Text offered by Deepti, October

30, 2002:

“Our first necessity, if India is to survive and do her appointed work in the world, is

that the youth of India should learn to think, - to think on all subjects, to think

independently, fruitfully, going to the heart of things, not stopped by their surface,

free of prejudgements, shearing sophism and prejudice asunder as with a sharp

sword, smiting down obscurantism of all kinds as with the mace of Bhima.”

Sri Aurobindo.

. The Play of Forces.

When Mother first launched the manifestation of Auroville, all the forces in the

world that oppose the divine action must have arisen to prevent its coming down.

From the beginning of Auroville, these contradictory forces have been in action.

Unfortunately, the forces opposing Mother’s work found much fertile ground in all

Her human instruments, as any one who approaches the Agenda with some insight

will observe.

She had arranged the circumstances for something that was to be a ‘creation of

harmony’, but the sole condition She demanded of Her human instruments – the

heroism of agreement – was never given to Her. This fundamental lack of unity

crystallised after Her physical departure into the SAS imbroglio with terrible

consequences for Auroville – consequences of which the present struggle around

Matrimandir is a continuing manifestation. The human refusal to be in the safe

inner domains of union opened the door to an inrush of vital forces: power

struggles, contradictory assertions of the rights of control, mutual devouring and

destruction. Instead of the laws of harmony, the laws of division become


Every single human being big or small who has been connected with Auroville has

been a channel for one or other of these forces – the force of unity or the force of

division. Higher forces can manifest only through one who is irrevocably centred

around the psychic personality. NOBODY fulfilled this basic condition and so mostly

it has been the lower vital forces which found vast scope.

Her remark that Auroville would be built in 20 years was wiped away from

Auroville’s present destiny and the fledgling experiment was plunged into a vortex

of division.

. The Auroville Partition.

While Mother meant Auroville to be a creation of harmony, the problem of disunion

was cast as if in stone when the ‘divorce’ from the Sri Aurobindo Society was made

permanent. Today we are lectured ad nauseam about the persons Mother