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. How do you suggest that Aurovilians relate to you as regards decisions that

concern them all?

. How do you suggest that Aurovilians should approach the Mother’s Shrine and

serve it in relation to the rest of the world?”

Note: In February, 2003, Roger A felt buoyed enough to publish a statement of his

position and of the conditions he set for the realisation of the “Gardens”, it being

understood that the area referred to from now on was the oval island, and that the

Park had simply ceased to exist – it was no longer part of any “official” plan: either

it would be drowned into a vast and huge lake or, at any rate, it would be gradually

absorbed by the city buildings. These conditions were also his justification for

dismissing out of hand the entire work done by Paolo, terming it as a betrayal.

Here is the statement published by Roger A, followed by significant excerpts of the

“Proposal” he presented to the community for the realisation of the “Gardens”:

*Roger A’s statement on Matrimandir, 7


February 2003:

“In the view of my certitude of the realization of Mother’s Auroville, today, after so

many years, I have come to the point of no return. For this reason, I would like to

state my position regarding certain situations in Auroville, in which I no longer want

to participate.

. I no longer want the Matrimandir plans, already completed by 90%, to be used as

a tool for political manipulations.

. I no longer want Mother’s words to be misused. Her directions cannot be


. I no longer want us to forget Mother’s protection against disasters or


What I want is simple:

I would like to be able to finish the work that has been given to me by the Mother. I

don’t have any other ambition, but to aspire for a proper solution towards a

luminescent future.

I make a call to each Aurovilian to come forward and help in the completion of


Roger Anger.”

*Excerpts from Roger A’s proposal for the realisation of the Matrimandir

Gardens, February 2003:

“… The proposal is based on three principles that will facilitate constant research

towards greater perfection: