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Respect for the overall layout: the twelve gardens as a whole are an integral

part of the general initial plan of Auroville. Each of them is inserted into a

space created by the land movements around Matrimandir. Therefore the

layout and form is already fixed in the master plan and will not be modified.

The content and theme of each garden as a symbol to be expressed should

evolve through successive experiments aiming at the perfection that Mother

had wanted.


Flexibility/Mobility: the design of the gardens will evolve from an initial

prototype to progressive realisations. This will facilitate modifications without

demolition. Plants and flowers coming from the nursery in containers will be

moved or replaced according to the evolution of the concept of the garden.

The principle of ‘mobility’ demands a production of plants and flowers in

containers, which are different for each garden. It will make possible an ever

evolving decoration. The obligation to assure year-round presence of flowers

in all the gardens will require a constant renewal of the flowers. The

necessity of a regular production will demand good planning from the



Collective or impersonal realisation: the realisation of the gardens should

have an ‘impersonal’ character. This will imply from the designers the

acceptation to participate in a collective work with a small team chosen by

them. Each garden is a work in progress and becomes the creation of a

team. Nobody will claim the ownership of a concept.

… Specifications to be followed by the participants:

- Each one of the twelve gardens is to express a state of consciousness as given by

Mother. It will include the flowers designated by her.

- The gardens have to be placed in the spaces and with the forms described in the

Master Plan. Overall landscape and contour levels cannot be modified. They have

been planned as a whole.

- The water and electricity connections will not been modified without a serious


- The height of the trees and the bushes will have to respect the allotted openings

allowing interesting perspectives.

- The unity among the gardens will be looked for through the choice of materials,

the harmonious selection of colours, etc.

- The works involved in the realization of the gardens will have to be done keeping I

mind the respect for the cleanliness and the security of the area. The delivery of the

materials will be arranged at the most convenient hours.

- The deadlines of the execution of the works and the estimated cost will have to be

respected… “

Note: There is, as regards the conditions laid in this proposal, a double irony; on

the one hand, we had, as a team, insisted that Paolo, in his study, must respect the

existing contours, as designed by Roger A and executed over the years, and Paolo

had painstakingly integrated them into his detailed studies of each of the twelve

inner gardens as in his overall study of the entire Peace area. And on the other

hand, as soon as we had been expelled from the work, Roger A and his group

promptly set about destroying all the executed contours and remodelling the entire

oval area as per a new design of his…!