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Note: This note was partly inspired by a very gentle Aurovilian, Yehuda, a fine

psychologist who actually plied his trade in Auroville as a psychotherapist along

with his wife; we had never had much contact, but he had just come up with a sort

of plea that perhaps it was not too late for all to agree on a moratorium that would

give time for another direction to emerge. As I write this in September 2005,

Yehuda has now left his body, just two weeks back; alone in his house in Auroville,

he was only found a day later!

The other note to the Secretary was inspired by a kind of delayed shock at the

cavalier, callous and basically grossly stupid manner in which the then Secretary, a

Mr. Sharma whom I had never even met (but who went very far, later on, to harm

me, till he was removed from his post even before the end of his term, just as the

Chairman was removed from his before his term), had acted in this recent period.

It would have taken more work on it, and a little extra time for Arjun and I to agree

on the exact wording: a time which we were not to have!

*To the Secretary, 13-10-03 (unused draft):

“We are told that you have complied with the request made to you by the members

of the Working Committee/AV Council to remove us from our respective functions of

Executive and Bank signatory as well as of in-charge of Labour and Finances at the


You must be aware that no due and fair process of verification has taken place for

whatever charges may have been laid, either officiously or officially, against us.

It is therefore our right to demand that you formally and officially discharge us of

all and any responsibility towards all users of the Matrimandir, towards the labour

of Matrimandir, towards all donors to the Matrimandir, towards all visitors to the

Matrimandir, towards all suppliers to the Matrimandir, as well as of the

responsibility to see that the Matrimandir is completed according to the Mother’s

stated wishes.

At the service of Truth,


Note: This last was also dictated by the sense of outrage at the clever way this was

all being done: for in fact there was no order issued to “dismiss” us; no charges

were levelled against us; it was all very smooth: the actual orders were merely

appointing new executives and installing them in our seats! Thus, Michael T and

Divya K were to take over Arjun’s work, who was supposed to have simply

vanished; while Andy was to take my job – he was careful not to show his face ever

to me while I was still there! As for G.G, my old friend, I cannot recall what was to

be his official function!

Was it on the 13


, or on the 14


, I cannot now remember, that in the afternoon I

saw, from my table at “50”, moving across the inner gardens area like a regiment,

about 20 or so Aurovilians: the entire Auroville Council and some of their friends!

They had their paper: that official, legal order was in their hands; it was done! They

walked over; they now had the shakti to come to me and tell me my fate.