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*To the Entry Group - Regarding Kovalan’s status – From Divakar, October

31, 2003:


Kovalan has informed me of a second, unexpected meeting to which you have

summoned him yesterday, to apprise him of a new policy whereby he must obtain

from me ‘stewardship’ of the house in which he has been staying since August 2002

in ‘Sincerity’.

He has also related to me that at least 2 members of your team have declared: ‘We

do not trust Divakar; he might change his mind anytime and ask you to leave…’

This is a new situation, which raises several points that require clarification:


As far as I am concerned, this statement of yours is totally unwarranted; I

am not in the habit of ‘changing my mind’. Shivaya had asked me, some 3

weeks back, whether it was alright for me that Kovalan stays on, and I had

clearly answered that it was entirely up to him. Whether some members of

your team ‘trust’ me or not can only be a personal question, which has no

relevance in the context of their membership and commitment to the task at



In August 2002 Kovalan had been told by your team that he would go into

his second year of probation only if he could find a house in Auroville to stay.

I had therefore written to you stating my offer to him to stay in the then

vacant unit I had built years ago for my mother. You had written back

appreciating this offer and informed Kovalan that his Newcomer period would

end this August 15, 2003.


This new policy that you now suddenly bring up has certainly not been

discussed in the community. On what basis then do you seek to enforce it? Is

it for Kovalan only, or do you intend to enforce it for every other newcomer

whose probation period comes to an end? Has every other newcomer then

been able to obtain such a stewardship of an Auroville house?


You had mentioned to Kovalan that the alternative for him would be to build

his own house… You must no doubt realise the absurdity of the situation, as

Kovalan has been working for the last 2 years as part of the Auronet team on

‘Maintenance’ only!


A clear answer was to be given Kovalan on August 15. Yesterday was

October 30. One cannot help but wonder: is there some discrimination at

play here, either against Kovalan, or against me? Is this a sign of integrity?

Awaiting for your clarifying answer,


Note: I do not recall whether any answer reached me; but eventually, soon after

that, Kovalan was accepted as Aurovilian.

John H, A and Walter, who had all three been, with Arjun and me, members of the

now infamous MMCG, had remained at Matrimandir; John H was continuing with his

usual work and had rather friendly contacts with the new management; he was

choosing to place his trust and his faith in the inner process of evolution which, no

matter what our opinions and views came to, was sure to bring us all to some truer

condition. A was determined to try and keep the Nursery aligned to its original