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- 2004 -

Note: While the year before, my feeling or perception of the year opening on that

1st of January had been very troubled and unsettled, this year, I had a sense of

silence and of a sort of special protection.

A sweet little incident happened to Kumar, which strangely touched me; I noted it

down: Kumar had gone to Pondy, on the insistence of some friends of his that he

must have dinner with them; but he first needed to be in the atmosphere of the

Ashram a little while, as was his wont. As it was late already he simply parked near

the Ashram building and walked over to a side street that had been recently

“beautified”, with small stone parapets and patches of lawn; there was no one

around, so he used the chance to pee, near one of the planted bushes; in the dark

(there were no street lamps there) he heard a sound as of someone calling from a

deep well; after a moment of puzzlement he realised that the sound was coming

from very close, and he turned and saw, lying in the grass, a tiny infant, a newborn

babe, crying softly; it had been abandoned there! Kumar is quite shaken and

doesn’t for a moment know what to do; there is a police constable posted near to

the Ashram main compound and he goes to him, but that proves useless; then he

goes to the phone booth right there and searches and finds the number of a

Christian orphanage, and calls them; very shortly a car arrives with a couple in it,

who ask him his name; but he refuses to give it and they part, the couple taking

the baby along.

On the 10


of January, Bhaskar and Anand take me to the airport in Chennai.

In the airport in Paris, C and Auragni, accompanied by Odile, are waiting for me.

Auragni is preparing to go for a year of university in Melbourne, Australia, so as to

complement her higher studies completed in France.

The three of us soon drove down to Claouey to be with Ch.J and F.J for a few days

– as it happened, our last reunion, where Auragni could be with both her

grandparents and me at the same time.

Later we spent time in Brittany, a happy time, C, Auragni and me.

And, about midway through my stay there, C and I took Auragni to her flight to

Australia. She would live with her elder half-sister there at the beginning – Aurassi

had been living in Melbourne for many years with her husband Mani.

This was an important time for C and me together. She could work through many

things in my presence; I also began to clear up her flat, put things in order, dispose

of some paintings for the money that she needed.

I returned to Chennai and to Auroville on the 6


of February. Bhaskar picked me up

at the airport.