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The general standards and values relating to our business activities

are set out in

the General Code of Business Conduct

and the

Supplier Code of Conduct.

In these codes the main principles are

laid down on how employees and suppliers of Boskalis should

conduct themselves with regard to, for example, legislation and

regulations, human rights, anti-corruption, competition, the

environment, staff and quality. Both codes can be found on the

company’s website. The General Code of Business Conduct and

the Supplier Code of Conduct were revised in early 2016 in line

with the periodical evaluation as set out in these documents. In

addition, the core values and rules for safety at work are set out in

our safety program NINA (No Injuries No Accidents). The Board

of Management regularly stresses the importance of complying

with the General Code of Business Conduct and the NINA

principles. The Board of Management also provides employees

with the opportunity to report any suspected misconduct within

Boskalis of a general, financial, operational and employment

nature which is not in line with the General Code of Business

Conduct to a counselor, without jeopardizing their legal position.


Whistleblower Policy h

as been revised in 2016 and can also

be found on the company’s website.


The Articles of Association of Boskalis set forth aspects of the

governing principles regarding the company related among others

to the seat, the objects, the capital and shares of the company as

well as its governing bodies, the financial year, the annual

accounts and loss and profit. The text of

the Articles of Association

is available at

. The Articles of Association

were amended on 9 December 2016 to implement the decisions

of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 10 May 2016

and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 17

August 2016 respectively to cancel the voluntary large company

regime, to reduce the authorized capital and the nominal value of

the ordinary shares and the cumulative protective preference

shares as well as to align the text of the Articles of Association of

the company with recent Dutch statutory amendments.


The Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) applies to

all Dutch companies listed on the stock exchange and comprises a

code of conduct for governance best practice. This Code includes

both specific principles and best practice provisions, as well as

guidelines for their proper supervision.

Boskalis subscribes to the notion that a sound and transparent

system of checks and balances is key to maintaining confidence in

companies operating on the capital market. Boskalis believes

clarity and openness in accountability and supervision are the

cornerstones of good management and entrepreneurship.

As required since the introduction of the Code in 2004, Boskalis

published an

‘Apply or Explain’ report

that sets out how the

principles and best practice provisions are applied at Boskalis.

This report is available on the website and copies can also be

requested from the company.

Boskalis subscribes to and applies all the principles and best

practice provisions contained in the Corporate Governance Code,

with the exception of the following provisions:


The contracts between the company and two members of the

Board of Management deviate from best practice provision

II.2.8. The contract of the chairman of the Board of

Management provides for a severance payment equal to 18

months and the contract of the Chief Financial Officer provides

for a 24-month severance payment. Boskalis does apply the best

practice provision to the contracts of all other members as well

as future members of the Board of Management.


In deviation of best practice IV.1.1, according to the Articles of

Association, the General Meeting of Shareholders may pass a

resolution to deprive the binding nature of a nomination for the

appointment or a resolution for dismissal of a member of the

Board of Management or a member of the Supervisory Board

by a majority of at least two/third of the votes cast representing

more than one-half of the company’s issued share capital. The

deviation of this best practice provision is justified in view of

creating long-term shareholder value. Maintaining continuity at

both the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board is

essential for delivering such long-term shareholder value. The

company is protecting its stakeholders against a sudden change

in management and supervision by maintaining the qualified

majority and voting quorum requirement, which is in accordance

with Dutch law.

The composition and size of the Board of Management are based

on the profile and strategy of the company. The expertise,

experience and various competencies of the members of the Board

of Management should contribute to this profile and strategy. In

the year under review the combination of these elements resulted

in the three members of the current Board of Management being

male, meaning that the Board of Management, partly due to the

nature of the company, is a reflection of the majority of the

company’s employee population. When drafting the profile for

new members of the Board of Management emphasis will be

placed on diversity in view of the objective of achieving a

balanced representation on the Board of Management.

The composition and size of the Supervisory Board are also based

on the company’s profile and strategy. As stated in the Profile, the

expertise, experience and various competencies of members of the

Supervisory Board should contribute to proper supervision of the

company’s management and general performance. To advance a

balanced composition, the Supervisory Board had included in the

Profile that every effort was to be made to achieve a mixed

composition, where possible in terms of age and gender with as

specific objective to appoint a female member of the Supervisory

board. In the year under review Ms. I. Haaijer was appointed to

the Supervisory Board on 10 November 2016. Per ultimo 2016

this resulted in six members of the Supervisory Board being male

and one member being female.

The Corporate Governance Declaration can be found on the
