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Adam Thorpe


on its bum, still weirdly

white. Gran smoking in

bed again! And the jury

for her final degree show

didn’t even know, and

nor did Malcolm Harmer,




wanted to add anything



sentimental, and fail. It

gave something off. Real

art gives something off.

Chill the fuck out.

That also gave something

off, but it wasn’t art, it was

mingie, period. She lifts

her phone in front of her

face and snaps Jasper’s

reflection in the window,

without a flash. He shrugs,

doesn’t move. Jasper is

perfect except for one

thing: incapable of making

tea of the correct colour,

or even in the right mug. A

massive failing, right?


. That will be

its title. The image really

obscure and dark and




walls, blown up big, and

even her mum going

along, all the way from the

fens to far-off Europe, visa

in her handbag cos you’ll

need a visa by then, and

proud as punch for once

between the real crystal

flutes of champagne. Suzie

lays her head back on the

soft, uncomfortable, way-

too-red head-rest and

sees, clear as a film, her

mother passing between

the cool international

art crowd as if swimming

through a school of exotic

fish. ‘Whatever happened

to that Jasper, in the end?’

she can hear her saying.

‘Isn’t he the one with all

the smelly pens, who did

my face to a tittle?’

Probably, Mum. I’ve no

idea what happened to

him. Went back to dealing