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The End Of The War To End Wars

rowds of younger Germans danced on

top of the hated Berlin wall Thursday

night. They danced for joy, they

danced for history. They danced


cause the tragic cycle of catastrophes

that first convulsed Europe 76 years ago, embrac–

ing two world wars, a Holocaust and a cold war,

seems at long last to be nearing an end.

Nov. 11, now named Veterans Day, is the day of

the armistice that ended World War I. But that

war to end wars was lost when the victors bun–

gled the peace. They exacted heavy reparations

from Germany, paving the way to chaos and the

rise of National Socialism. The years between the

two wars turned out to be merely a truce. Hitler

in 1940 received the surrender of the French

forces in the same railroad car in which Ger-

many's delegates surrendered in 1918, and Eur–

ope was again plunged into strife.

Some 20 million people died in World War I,

perhaps 60 million in World War II, but even

these two appalling acts of miscalculation and

bloodletting did not bring Europe's torments to an

end. The tragedy had a third act: the cold war

divided a Europe freed from Hitler's tyranny

from a Europe bowed under Stalin's. The Berlin

wall, erected by Erich Honecker in 1961, stood as

the foremost symbol of that division and the

Continent's continuing stasis.

The reveling crowds of Berliners mingling from

East and West could scarcely believe that the

hated wall had at last been breached. Those

watching them around the world could only share

their delight - and their wonder at the meaning

of it


If the horrifying cycle that..began .iJl.1914 is at

last completed, what new wheels have begun to

turn? Instability in Eastern Europe has seldom

brought good news. But this dissolution may lead

to settlement, even if the settlement's shape re–

mains unclear.

Armistice is only laying down of arms, not

peace. And for as long as it has stood, the Berlin

wall has symbolized a Europe not at peace, and a

world polarized by Soviet-American rivalry.

Mikhail Gorbachev has spoken of a European

house. No one, not even he, can yet be sure how

the rooms might


together. Still, no house has a

wall through its middle, and for the first time in a

generation, neither does Europe.

End Power Monopoly. Gorbachev Asks Party





OSCOW - President Mikhail S. Gor–

bachev on Monday called upon the

communist Party to yield its long

monopoly on power and allow the de–

velopment of a truly pluralist political system,

including rival parties, to give the Soviet Union

the dynamic leadership it needs to emerge from a

deepening crisis.

Gorbachev, in a historic speech to the party's

policy-making Central Committee, also urged

Communists to cast off "decades of ideological

dogmas" that they still hold about socialism and

to rethink their basic policies on everything from

economic development to class struggle.

