Once in Catalina, stu–
dents cavorted around
in electric golf carts.
t was an outstanding
year for social activities
around campus. This
can be attributed to the fan–
tastic social committee orga–
nized by Jerry Morris. Jerry
and his committee of seventy
were in charge of putting to–
gether several successful
events. One of the biggest
events they organized this
year was homecoming. Being
the fortieth anniversary, the
club had a large responsibil–
ity. The committee pulled to–
gether and put on one of the
homecomings ever. Spring
Ball was another large event
in which the social commit–
tee was in charge. The com–
mittee split into subcommit–
tees in order to cover all as–
pects of putting the dance
together. Once again, the
committee was successful.
Other smaller events includ–
ed a trip to Disneyland and a
Cruise to Catalina. Students
enjoyed all of the events and
many times tickets were sold
out. The social committee
fully succeeded in providing
students with a variety of
Students sailed to Catalina in one of the new super-powered cruise boats.
Like most events, this one was attended by enthu–
siastic students.