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Hea th er Smith, Director of Speakers Bu–


The Inter-Club Council.

Barbara Roder, Director of the Inter-Club



he director of the

Inter-Club Council

decided this year

that she was going to dis–

cover the most useful pur–

pose for the council and

then make sure it was im–

plemented. Most impor–

tantly, she wanted to see

that the I.C.C. money

reached as many clubs

and students and possible.

Up until now the council

was a boring and useless

meeting no one wanted



Barbara Roder, the


rector of the Inter-Club

Council liked being "in the

know" the most while she

was director. She enjoyed

going to Program Board

and Senate so she could

find out what the A.S. offi–

cers were sincerely trying

to do for the rest of the

students. The one thing

she said she could have

done without were the 7

a.m. Executive Board


The I.C.C. Homecoming

carnival is what Barbara

will remember the most

about this year. It was the

first program she had ever

done and it was success–

ful; best of all, she got to

enjoy it! Barbara would

like to end the year with

this thought: "A toast to

the overworked, under–

paid A.S. officers and di–

rectors. We've come a long


Program Board shows us their teamwork!


he program board consists of all the

directors in the Associated Stu–

dents who organize events. Panhel–

linic, Inter-Fraternity Council, and the Resi–

dent Programming Machine also have a re–

presentative on the


The purpose of

the board is to get ideas about program–

ming, avoid programming conflicts and to

encourage co-sponsorship by different orga–


The Vice President of the Associated Stu–

dents, Brian Wink is the chair of the Pro–

gram Board. Teamwork is the key to Pro–

gram Board and as you can tell by the

picture, they have it down to a science.

Heather Smith, a junior was chosen as Speakers

Bureau Director for A.S. this year. Heather likes

the interaction with such a diverse group that she

has had. She comments that this had been "a

tremendous learning experience." The debate on

the Legalization of Drugs in America was a con·

troversial and heated argument and was her

greatest event of the year.

Athletics director, Charlie Gallas, was devoted

to getting students involved in supporting the A.S.

events for this year. Athletics coordinates the

T.G.'s and half-time show for homecoming game

during the school year. Charlie liked how friendly

everyone in A.S. was to work with. What made

this year worthwhile for him was all the friends

that he made with A.S. He especially liked how


Charlie GaJJas, Athletics Director

s~ooth all the major events went with the cooper-


ataon and teamwork of everyone.

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