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New Biological Frontiers Illuminated by Molecular Sensors and Actuators

Tuesday Speaker Abstracts

Theories Describing Sensors and Responders Reveal Important Allosteric Sites in Enzymes

Lee-Wei Yang


National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Accumulated experimental and theoretical evidences have shown that protein functions as a

physiochemically connected network. Allostery, understood in this new context, is a

manifestation of residue communicating over remote sites via this network and hence a recently

rising interest in identifying communication pathways mediating allosteric controls. In this study,

we demonstrate that a new formulation of linear response theory (LRT) can describe a two-stage

conformational relaxation- 1. ligand-induced conformational changes at a few tens to a hundred

of picoseconds and 2. an early molecular ‘twitch’ that is faster than conformational relaxation by

an order of magnitude. Predictions based on LRT agree with observations from site-specific UV

resonance Raman, time-resolved X-ray and sound speed in a condensed medium. With the

computational ease of the current implementation, we can easily perturb the protein network by

thousands of times where time-resolved atomic trajectories can be tracked following each

perturbation. Frequently used ‘communication centers’ are identified and it is found by

experiments that mutations of these centers, many remote from the catalytic site, would greatly

impact the hydride transfer rate in DHFR. Mutations on those that do not serve as

communication centers impact the catalysis minimally. We also show the signal propagation is

directional, highly anisotropic and need not be reciprocal. We favorably consider the method’s

applicable future in probing functionally sensitive distant mutants by the physical approach

herein proposed.