0f Julmtir,
Vol. VII, No, 3.]
July, 1913.
Meetings of the Council.
June 4th.
County Courts Bill.
Mr. Russell in the House of Commons, on
behalf of the Chief Secretary, having stated
that in the present circumstances there is no
opportunity for introducing legislation of the
character of the County Courts (Ireland) Bill,
it was referred to the County Courts Com
mittee to consider what action should be
taken in the matter.
The report of the Court of Examiners,
giving the results of the May Preliminary
and Final Examinations, was submitted and
adopted. The results appear in this GAZETTE.
An application by a Solicitor for renewal
of his Certificate, the consideration of which
had been adjourned for further information,
was again considered and was refused.
Easter and Whitsuntide Holidays.
A draft of a proposed new rule, prepared
after a joint conference of representatives of
the Bar Council and of this Council, in lieu of
Rule 1 of Order LXIII. of the Rules of the
Supreme Court, 1905, was approved, and the
President was requested to submit the draft
rule to the Supreme Court rule recommending
authority for adoption.
June 18th.
Mr. Alfred Blake.
The following resolution was passed :—
" The Council have learnt with deep regret
" of the death of their colleague, Mr. Alfred
" Blake, and they desire to express their deep
" sympathy with Mr. Frederick Blake and
" the other relatives of Mr. Blake in their
" bereavement."
Dublin Civil Bill Appeals.
A letter was read
in reply from
Associate of
the King's Bench Division,
stating that arrangements have been made
by which a day will be appointed at the end
of July for the hearing of such appeals from
the Right Hon. the Recorder as have been
lodged and are ripe for hearing, and that due
notice will be published in the
Legal Diary
as early an opportunity as possible after the
return from circuit of the Judges, of the date
which will be so fixed.
Illegal Conveyancing.
A letter was read from a country member
enclosing particulars of a matter in which a
non-professional person had recently acted
as a conveyancer for remuneration.
It was
decided to institute proceedings for recovery
of a penalty.
Debating Society.
It was resolved that " Contemporary Irish
Literature " should be the subject for the