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orientation, but the human resources
manager pressed the issue and directly
asked her about her orientation (thereafter
being put on notice). Evans might argue
that discrimination, harassment, or other
mistreatment in the workplace was due to
the manager’s newfound knowledge about
her sexual association. The Court already
prohibits this kind of bias as it relates to
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,
and may look to extend the prohibition to
sexual orientation.
As strong as Evans’s case may be, she
may still fall short in her attempt to rede-
fine “sex” under Title VII to encompass
sexual orientation. In considering whether
to take the case, the Court would have to
determine whether the term is already self-
explanatory or if its interpretation should
be broadened. The answer to this question
ultimately has the potential to draw the line
on the interpretation of “sex.”Whether the
Court is ready to draw that line is a ques-
tion that remains to be answered.
Patricia Jjemba is an associate at a Chicago
public interest firm. She litigates public inter-
est matters in federal and state court. She is
also Vice Chair of the YLS Civil Rights Com-
mittee. Patricia has committed her career to
advocating for the civil and human rights
of marginalized members of society through
research, writing, and litigation both on and
off the job.
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The Chicago Bar Foundation Fall Benefit
Join the CBF for a fun, casual evening at the Museum of Science and Industry.This event provides an unfor-
gettable night in one of Chicago’s most iconic museums. Highlights of the evening will include Christmas
Around theWorld and Holidays of Light, with more than 50 unique trees from around the globe on display,
along with this year’s special exhibit, Robot Revolution.
Save the date to join us on November 18 as we celebrate the CBF’s work with food, fun, and friends! Learn
more at