either case, with substantially the same result. Never, however, use
lime peel, as it has a decidedly acrid flavor and is very distasteful to
When preparing lemon or orange peel, cut it as thin as possible.
Unless called for in recipe, do not place it in the beverage—merely
twist over.
Ice, for cooling or chilling beverages, is used in three forms, viz.:
shaved—cut from a block with an ice shaver; cracked—rolled in a
towel and crushed into half-inch lumps with a mallet or potato masher;
lump—the size made in an electric refrigerator, or slightly larger.
For shaking, two or three lumps are used in the shaker; for stir
ring, a half glass of cracked ice is preferable. Shaved ice is used in
preparing frappes (freezes), juleps, etc., and after-dinner liqueurs. It
is also used in the preparation of absinthe beverages, which should be
very cold.
When shaking or stirring cocktails, highballs, etc., do so vigorously,
so as not to mix too much water with them. Shaking or stirring is
solely for the purpose of thoroughly mixing and chilling the beverage,
not diluting it. The recipes are figured at the correct strength and any
appreciable quantity of water will render them weak and insipid.
Keep in mind that gentlemen, as a general rule, prefer their bever
ages dry, or of the less sweet variety. Such cocktails as Manhattan,
Martini, Gibson, etc., etc., are most pleasing to them. While many of
the fair'sex follow closely with the men folks in this regard, there are
many others who prefer the richer preparations, such as those con
taining portions of egg, much cordial or syrup. Again, when men only
are to be served, decrease slightly the amount of sugar syrup called
for, or increase the lemon content slightly. Recipes are prepared for
the'average taste and the amount of these ingredients depends upon the
individual taste.
Beverages to which egg is added are generally termed as follows:
where white only is used—Silver; where yolk only is used—Go/den;
and where both are used—Royal. In continental Europe, however,
where a beverage contains absinthe, it is termed Royal.
Use bitters, cordials, syrups, etc., with the greatest caution. ^ A little
too much entirely alters the character of a beverage and, in many
instances, spoils rather than improves it.
Grate nutmeg, or other spice, over the individual beverage, only
after ascertaining the pleasure of the guest to be served.
When drawing a cork, or removing a cap, from a bottle containing
champagne, ginger ale or effervescent water or soda, hold the bottle in
a slanting position, to a point where the surface of the contents is just