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QUiPP app a safe alternative to treat-all strategy for threatened preterm labour6
“Windmill” technique an alternative to invasive, operative, manual removal of retained placenta8
Second stage of labour in primiparas more common than previously thought, and reduces spontaneous vaginal deliveriesFertility
Future genomic mapping will help treat, delay, or reverse ovarian function lossObstetric Medicine
Induction of labour in women who have undergone one previous C-section is safe11
Shock index closest to insult may be most useful tool to identify and triage obstetric hypovolaemic shockGynaecologic Oncology
HE4 + CA125 screening helps detect ovarian cancer in presumed benign ovarian tumours14
“One stop” endometrial screening for Lynch syndrome effective in detecting early-stage endometrial cancerBenign Gynaecology
Patients with abnormal uterine bleeding should proceed straight to hysteroscopy16
Pelvic vein incompetence and chronic pelvic pain are strongly associated17
Patient age and size/weight of endometrial polyps in postmenopausal women predictive of malignancy18
Two trials of uterine artery embolisation confirm high success, with caveats© RCOG World Congress 2017
RCOG World Congress 2017