Keep Calm & Carry On:
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Teens
Teenagers today deal with many stresses and competing demands
on their time and attention. This course is designed to help your
teen learn tools to cope with the demands of a very busy life. We
will learn and practice mindfulness exercises that help increase
their ability to focus and pay attention, to calm down when feeling
stressed or anxious, and to create more opportunities to enjoy
simply being who they are so they can thrive.
A growing body of scientific evidence shows that mindfulness
training can be instrumental in reducing stress and its negative
effects on the body. This workshop is a well-developed, research-
based curriculum pulling from the latest in the fields of mindful-
ness, neuroscience and positive psychology. Each week we will
explore practical tools that will help teens relax, navigate the
stresses of school and social pressures, as well as cultivating
a greater sense of joy and happiness, inner resilience and optimism.
Cheryl Vigder Brause is the co-founder and director of
2bpresent, an organization dedicated to helping people live with
greater awareness, less stress and more joy. She has completed
her Level I and Level II Meditation Teacher Training from Om
Yoga. She is trained in many mindfulness-based curricula,
including Learning to BREATHE – a mindfulness curriculum for
adolescents, Mindful Schools, MBSR for Teens, and is certified
to teach the Stressed Teens (MBSR-T) Program.
5 Wednesdays: March 9 – April 13 (no class March 23):
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Location TBA to registered students / $495 / Code 135
AP Calculus AB Test Prep
Get ready for the May 5th exam with Dr. Susan Allen, retired
MHS mathematics teacher with decades of teaching experience.
This course will provide a review of all topics in the AP Calculus
AB syllabus, stressing strategies for both the free response and
multiple choice sections of the exam. We will strive to answer all
questions in an atmosphere of both focused small group work
and one-on-one attention. Both teacher prepared materials and
previous AP exam questions will be assigned and explained.
Dr. Susan G. Allen taught high school mathematics for forty years
in New York, California, and Vermont. She retired from
Mamaroneck High School in June 2013 with extensive experience
teaching both AP Calculus AB and BC and has continued to stay
in touch with all of the current updates in both curriculum and
testing expectations from the College Board.
6 Tuesdays: Mar 29 – May 3: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 121 / $150 /
Code 136ACT Test Prep: English and Writing
What do you need to know to excel on the English and Reading
sections of the ACT? Learn the skills and strategies to improve
your scores in four, ninety minute sessions. You will master
grammar, punctuation, and sentence placement as required for
the English test and become so comfortable with the Reading
passages that you will be able to anticipate the questions. Bring
The Real ACT Prep Guide for practice tests and a notebook and
pen and be prepared to do homework. If any student has already
done the practice tests in that book, Barron’s ACT Guide can be
used. Whether you have already started preparing for the ACT or
are just getting started, this class will help improve your score.
The class will conclude in plenty of time for the test in April or
lay the groundwork for the tests in June and September.
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Planning for Family Members with Special Needs
When you are no longer around, how can you ensure that a
family member with special needs is protected? When there
is no plan in place, those with special needs can easily lose
their government benefits. This class will cover the topics of
obtaining, maximizing, and preserving benefits, creating and
implementing first and third-party Supplemental Needs Trusts
(SNT), and differentiating between the types of Guardianships
available to protect loved ones.
Michael J. Greenberg, Esq. is an estate planning, elder law, and
special needs attorney at Keane & Beane, PC in White Plains.
Mr. Greenberg received his law degree from Emory University
School of Law and his undergraduate degree from Williams
College. He is admitted to the bar in New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut, and Florida.
Thursday: April 7: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 121/ $25 / Code 128
Protecting Family AssetsThe relevant laws have changed, and so have planning techniques.
Learn how to legally avoid estate taxes and nursing home costs,
and how to keep family assets from ending up in the hands
of your children’s spouses, all while maintaining control. You
will be taught what needs to be done in order to pass assets
to children free of estate tax, how you can protect your home
and investment accounts from future nursing home costs, how
you can avoid in-laws from having access to your family’s estate,
and how to avoid the problems that may arise out of the probate
process. How trusts can be used to accomplish these goals will
be part of the presentation.
Neil Lubarsky, a Harvard Law graduate who also possesses an
LLM in tax law from NYU, has been a practicing estate planning
and elder law attorney for over 30 years.
Monday: May 2: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
MHS Palmer Rm 122 / $25 /
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