af 4 Lindormes sammenslyngede Haler med tre
Kroner paa Spidsen. — F ra Slotspladsen fører en
træbeplantet Rampe op til den rigt forsirede Ho
vedportal, over hvilken er anbragt en Tavle med
latinsk Indskrift og Chr. IV.s Navnetræk samt
Aarstallet 1624.
Bygningens I n d r e optages af den 36 Meter
der ved 10 Søjler er delt i et Midter
skib og to Sideskibe og i det hele smukt udstyret.
For Endevæggen en stor Marmorkamin, hvorpaa
staar en Buste af Chr. IV. (af
I Læ-
seværelset bagved hænger et stort Maleri forestil
lende »Christian IV.s Besøg hos Tycho Brahe paa
(C. F. Høyen).
Resten af Bygningen er op
taget dels af private, dels offentlige Kontorer, Te
legrafstation etc. samt, i den modsatte Ende, af
Lokaler, blandt hvilke sær
lig fremhæves den store smukt udstyrede Fest- og
Mødesal med P.
S. Krøyers
bekendte »Børsbillede«.
A d g a n g (til Børssalen) Hverdage 1,30—3,30
(Børstid 2—3). Mellem Kl. 2,5—3,15 betales 25 Øre.
Det kongelige Bibliotek.
(»ProYiantgaarden« vedl Christiansborg).
(111. Sidie 28).
B y g n i n g e n , der ha r Facade baade mod Kri-
stiansgade og (Hovedfacade) ind mod den smukke
Biblotekshave (»Proviantgaarden«), er opført 1898
—1906 (Arkitekt
H. J. Holm).
Særlig seværdig er
Vestibulen og den store Læsesal, der er offentlig
tilgængelig. I
der ligger meget
malerisk omgivet af Tøjhusets og Provianthusets
mægtige Længer samt Rigsarkivets Arkader og et
gammelt Vagttaarn, staar en antik
en Broncestatue af
Søren Kierkegaard
andre Billedhuggerarbejder. Midt i Haven en
idyllisk Aakandedam.
B i b l i o t e k e t er det største og righoldigste i
Norden, det rummer henved 1 Million Bind trykte
Bøger, ca. 20,000 Iiaandskrifter og 3500 Incunabler.
Desuden Musik-, Kort-, Portræt og Billedsamlin-
ger. Permanent
Udstilling af Haandskrifter, gamle
Bogtryk, Manuskripter
m. m.
A d g a n g — gratis — Hverdage 9—7;
April—September 12—2; Marts—Oktober T irs
dag og Fredag 12—2.
conceived spire (54 M. high) formed by the en-
twined tails of four dragons surmounted by three
crowns. From »Slotspladsen« a wide ascent (the
rainp) with a row of trees on each side, leads
up to tlie richly decorated main entrance, above
which is a tablet with an inscription in Latin
with the monogram of Chr. IV and the year 1624.
The i n t e r i o r of the building consists of the
Exhange Hall
which by ten pillars is divided
into a central nave with two side aisles, the whole
handsomely decorated. At the one end of the
hall is a marble fireplace on which stands a
marble bust of Chr. IV (by
In the
reading room behind there is a large painting (by
C. F. Hoyen)
representing ”Clir. IV visiting the
famous astronomer Tycho Brahe on the island oC
Hveen”. The remainder of the building consists
of various public and private offices, telegraph
station, etc., and at the opposite end there are the
rooms of the ”
(The Merchants
Guild Association), amongst which may be speci-
ally mentioned the beautifully appointed reception
and meeting room.
A d m i s s i o n (to the Exchange Hall) wreek-
days 1.30—3.30 (Cliange lime 2—3), Between 2.5
and 3.15 p. m. a charge of 25 Ore is made.
The R o y a l Library.
(near Christiansborg Castle).
(See page 28).
T h e b u i l d i n g which fronts Kristiansgade
but has its main facade in towards the extremely
pretty Library-garde n (Proviantgaarden), was
built in 1898—1906 (architect
H. J. Holm).
vestibule and also the large reading room, which
is open to the public deserve special attention.
Surrounded. on the other sides by The Arsenal,
the large wing buildings of the ”Provianthus”
(naval store-house) the arcades of the
and an old watch tower, the Library
Garden is beautifully set off. It contains an
statue of Demosthenes,
and a bronze statue
Søren Kierkegaard
etc. In tlie centre of the
garden is an idyllic water-lilied lakelet.
T h e L i b r a r y is the largest and most com-
prehensive in the North, it contains upwards of
one million printed volumes, about 20,000 manu-
scripts and 3500 incunabula, besides music, maps,
portraits and pictures. A permanent exhibition of
manuscripts, old book print, etc., etc.
A d m i s s i o n free weekdays 9—
April—September 12—2; March—October Tuesday
and Friday 12—2.