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MARCH 1989

Professional Information

Land Registry —

issue of New

Land Certificate

Registration of Title Act, 1964

An application has been received from the

registered owners mentioned in the Schedule

hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in

substitution for the original Land Certificate

as stated to have been lost or inadvertently

destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued

unless notification is received in the Registry

within twenty-eight days from the date of

publication of this notice that the original

Certificate is in existence and in the custody

of some person other than the registered

owner. Any such notification should state

the grounds on which the Certificate is being


31st day of March, 1989.

J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)

Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na

Talún), Chancery Street, Dublin 7.


John J. Nunan, Folio No.: 15913. County:


Paul T. and Anna Garety, 5 Firhouse Grove,

Knocklyon, Templeogue, Co. Dublin. Folio

No.: 32858L; Lands: the property situate in

the Townland of Knocklyon and Barony of

Uppercross. County: DUBLIN.

Martin Francis Flannary, 114 Tyrconnell

Park, Inchicore, Dublin 18. Folio No.: 1982L;

Lands: 114 Tyrconnell Park. County:


Ma r y M c C o r m a c k,


Moyvore, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Folio

No.: 4120; Lands: Ballymacallen; Area:

15a.2r.13p. County: WESTMEATH.

Nallia Sullivan, Ardgroom Village,

Ardgroom, Castletownbere, Co. Cork. Folio

No.: 28475; Lands: Ardgroom; Area:

0a.0r.4p. County: CORK.

Michael Grogan, Tullagower, Cooraclare,

Co. Clare. Folio No.: 7686; Lands: Tulla-

gower (Part); Area: 44a.0r.31p. County:


Mary Veronica Wabb, c/o F. F. Cullinan &

Co., Solicitors, Bindon Street, Ennis, Co.

Clare. Folio No.: 22162; Lands: Killadysert;

Area: 0a.0r.3p. County: CLARE.

Jamas Bissett and Andrew Bissett,

Fermain, Sandyhills, Rush, Co. Dublin. Folio

No.: 17958; Lands: The property number one

situate in the Townland of Rush and Barony

of Balrothery East. The property number two

situate in the Townland of Rush Demesne

and Barony of Balrothery East. County:


Jamas Corcoran, Folio No.: 7198; Lands:

(1) Rinn; (2) Shanbeg; (3) Nutgrove; Area: (1)

34a.1r.16p; (2) 5a.0r.34p; (3) 0a.1r.15p.


Rev. Pat J. Kenny, Rev. Patrick Doyle and

Rev. Martin Gillespie - Mill Hill Fathers.

Folio No.: 145F; Lands: Boherkyle; Area:

2.587 acres. County: KILKENNY.

Martin King (Jnr.), Tonroe, Kingsland, Co.

Roscommon. Folio No.: (1) 13656; (2) 4993;

(3) 14489; Lands: (1) Killaraght; (2) Tonroe

or Creen; (3) Cornaveagh; Area: (1)

17a.3r.16p; (2) 9a.3r.; (3) 3a.1r.10p. County:


Martha Howard, Kilnahue, Gorey, Co.

Wexford. Folio No.: 3041; Lands: Kilnahue;

Area: 5a.3r.27p. County: WEXFORD.

Dorothy T. M . Gaisford St. Lawrence (%),

Cyril H. Gaisford St. Lawrence (%),

Margaret T. M . Gaisford St. Lawrence

(VI) and Clare E. M . Gaisford St.



Howth Castle, Howth,

Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 11356; Lands:

Ballina; Area: 42a.3r.10p. County: WEST-


Joseph Francis McGrath, Dalkinstown,

Kilcullen, Co. Kildare. Folio No.: 2831; Lands:

Ballyshannon; Area: 6a.1r.14p. County:


Walter & Katharine Burke, Mayfield,

Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Folio No.: 43794;

Lands: (1) Mayfield; (2) Mayfield; (3)

Mayfield; (4) Mayfield; (5) Mayfield; Area:

(1) 1a.0r.12p.; (2) 3a.0r.14p.; (3) 0a.2r.30p.;

(4) 1a.2r.22p.; (5) 0a.2r.26p. County:


Edward Alan Wetherall, Rowan Hill,

Glencullen, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 7586;

Lands: The property situated in the Townland

of Ballybrack and Barony of Rathdown.

County: DUBLIN.

Joseph Ryan, Ballydavid, Littleton, Thurles,

Co. Tipperary. Folio No.: (1) 16203; (2)

21253; Lands: Ballybeg; Area: (1) 55.388

acres; (2) 7 . 8 75 acres.



Richard Leslie Smyth, Ballywilliamroe,

Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow. Folio No.: 126

closed to Folio 2408F; Lands: Ballywilliam-

roe and Ballymoon. Area: 104a.0r.15p. (Bally-

williamroe), 56a.2r.24p. (Ballymoon).

County: CARLOW.

Patrick Moyles, Formoyle, Dooleague,

Ballina, Co. Mayo. Folio No.: 31093; Lands:

(1) Formoyle; (2) Formoyle (an undivided

moiety); (3) Gortnahurra Lower; Area: (1)

8a.0r.30p.; (2) 7a.2r.10p.; (3) 12a.2r.5p.

County: MAYO.

Noraan Chance, Kingswood House,

Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 7314;

Lands: The Property situate in the Townland

of Brownsbarn and Barony of Newcastle.

County: DUBLIN.

John Collins of Kilmacabea, Leap, Co. Cork.

Folio Na: 22256F; Lands: Kilmacabea; Area:

0.825 acres; County: CORK.

Thomas Murtagh, 55 Dangan Park,

Terenure, Dublin. Folio No.: 2737L; Lands:

Townland of Common, Barony of Connell;

Area: 0a.0r.15p; County: KILDARE.

Lost Title Deeds

In the matter of the Registration of

Titles Act, 1964 and of the application

of Ursula Mary Connolly as Personal

Raprasantativa of Margaret Mary


7 Annaville Park, Dundrum.

TAKE NOTICE that the above named has lodged

an Application for her registration on the

freehold Register with absolute title free from

encumbrances in respect of the above

mentioned property.

The original documents of title set out in the

Schedule hereto are not forthcoming. The

application may be inspected at this Registry.

The application will be proceeded with

without production of the said documents

unless notification is received in the Registry

within one calendar month from the date of

publication of this Notice that the original

documents of title are in existence. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which

the documents are held quote reference

No. 85DN13413.

DATED this 9th day of February 1989.

Pat O'Brien

Chief Examiner of Titles



Fee Farm Grant dated 24th May 1860

made between Thomas Bell and

Reverend John Beatty of the one part

and Francis Purcell of the other part.


Conveyance dated 16th April 1932

made between Sir Ernest Cecil

Cochrane and James Robertson Coade

of the first part, Sarah Elizabeth

Grahame Day of the second part, James

Robertson Coade and Robert Nesbitt

Keller of the third part and Margaret

Frances Connolly of the fourth part.


Would anyone having information concerning

the title deeds of the above estate please

contact Anthony J. O'Malley & Co., Solicitors,

Market Square, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Telephone

(094) 22790.

In the matter of the Registration of

Titles Act, 1964 and of the

application of James Dooley

in respect of property 100 Donore Avenue,


TAKE NOTICE that James Dooley of 3 Sarah

Curran Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, has

lodged an Application for registration on the

Leasehold Register free from encumbrances in

respect of the above mentioned property.

The original documents of title specified in

the Schedule hereto are stated to have been

lost or mislaid.

The Application may be inspected at this


The Application will be proceeded with

unless notification is received in the Registry

within one calendar month from the date of

publication of this Notice that the original

documents of Title are in existence. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which

the documents of title are held and quote

Reference No. 88DN12986. The missing

documents are detailed in the schedule hereto.

DATED this 15th day of March 1989.

M. O'Neill

Examiner of Titles


Lease dated 27th November 1894. Edward

Watson and others to Thomas Stringer.

Assignment dated 29th December 1965.

Francis Walter Flower to James Dooley.