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Sources of European

Community Law:

Where to find them


By Margaret Byrne, Librarian, The Law Society

This article, in two parts, is a guide to the literature of European

Community Law. Part I covers the sources of the European

Community's legal sys t em-

the primary legislation: the treaties establishing the

European Communities;

the secondary legislation: the regulations, directives,

decisions and other acts made by the Community

institutions as provided for in the treaties;

the international agreements concluded between the

European Communities and non-member states or other

international organisations;

together with the case law of the European Court of Justice.

Part 2, which will be published in the next issue of the


will deal with the secondary literature including EC

and commercial publications.

Primary Legislation

The European Communities com-

prise three separate Communities

each established by a separate


the European Coal and Steel

Community, established by the

ECSC Treaty (Treaty of Paris,


the European Economic Com-

munity, established by the EEC

Treaty (Treaty of Rome, 1957);

the European Atomic Energy

Community, established by the

EAEC or Euratom Treaty (Treaty

of Rome, 1957).

The principal amending treaties

to these three foundation treaties


the Convention on Certain

Institutions common to the

European Communities (Rome,


the treaty establishing a Single

Council and a Single Commission

of the European Communities

(the Merger Treaty) (Brussels,


the Treaty of Luxembourg of 22

April, 1970, and the Treaty of

Brussels of 22 July, 1975, on

budgetary matters;

the Act of the Council concern-

ing direct elections to the

European Parliament (1976);

the Single European Act and Final

Act, 1986;

and the three accession treaties:

the first Treaty of Accession and

its Annexes (1972) (accession of

UK, Ireland and Denmark);

the second Treaty of Accession

and its Annexes (1979) (acces-

sion of Greece);

the third Treaty of Accession and

its Annexes (1985) (accession of

Spain and Portugal).

The current official edition of the

treaties published by the Office for

Official Publications of the EC is the

1987 edition in 2 vols.

Vol. 1 -

Treaties establishing the

European Communities; treaties

amending these treaties; Single

European Act.

Vol. 2 -

Accession documents.

These volumes contain all the

treaties and their annexes in force

on 1 July, 1987.

The text of treaties and

amendments are published in the

Official Journal

L Series. (See

below for details of OJ.)

Publications of the Office for

Official Publications of the EC,

including Catalogues of EC Publi-

cations, can be purchased directly

or ordered through the Government

Publications Sales Office, SunAlliance

House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

The treaties and amendments

thereto have been implemented in

all the member states by national

legislation following, where

necessary, amendments to national

Constitutions. In Ireland, following

a referendum, a new Article 29.4.3

was inserted in

Bunreacht na


by the Third Amendment

of the Constitution Act, 1972. This

was followed by the enactment of

the European Communities Act,

1972, which came into effect on 1

January, 1973.

European Communities (Amend-

ment) Acts were enacted to provide

for the second and third treaties of

accession as well as for other

amendments to the treaties, the

most recent being the European

Communities (Amendment) Act,

1986, and the Tenth Amendment of

the Constitution Act, 1987, to

incorporate into Irish law the

changes effected by the Single

European Act. A full list of the EC

legislation enacted can be found in


Index to the Statutes 1922-85

and subsequent annual lists.

In addition to the official texts of

the treaties published by the EC

there are various commercially pub-

lished editions with annotations,

including Rudden & Wyatt,


Community Laws,

2nd Ed., 1986,

and Sweet and Maxwell's


paedia of European Community


B volumes, and Sweet and


EC Treaties,

4th Ed., 1980.

Secondary Legislation

Secondary legislation comprises

the legal acts made by the Council

and the Commission of the EC in

implementing the powers granted

to them in the Community treaties.

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