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Thursday, 3rd May


Sunday, 6th May





Younger Members News

The Lisbon Link

The Portuguese Young Lawyers

Association held its Tenth Anni-

versary Conference in Lisbon from

3rd November to 5th November

1989. A group from the Younger

Members Committee of the Law

Society consisting of Miriam

Reynolds - Chairman, Justin

McKenna, Eva Tobin, Patricia Boyd

and Sandra Fisher flew out from a

cold and windy Dublin to attend the


Warm weather and a warm

we l c ome greeted the


delegates. The programme was

short but lively, opening on the

Friday night with an address from

Francisco Pimentel, the Chairman

of the Portuguese Association. This

was followed by an elegant recept-

ion at Lisbon's magnificent City

Hall hosted by the Mayor.

The theme of the Saturday

mo r n i ng session was Young

Lawyers Associations and the Con-

ference was addressed by the

President of A.I.J.A., Hugo Pinheiro

Torres and papers were also read by

a French Lawyer and a Portuguese

Lawyer. We contributed by giving a

short account of how the Young

Members Committee functions in

Ireland and it emerged that our

Committee was unique amongst

Young Lawyers Associations in

Europe in that it is not independent

from the Law Society. The after-

noon session dealt with legal ethics

and papers were delivered by Karen

MacKenzie of England, Paolo

Panella from Naples and Rodolfo

Manuel Lavrador from Lisbon.

Many of the ethical problems

discussed were common to all the

jurisdictions represented but we

were surprised to discover that the

Portuguese Law Society has no

equivalent to our Compensation

Fund nor does it have a method

whereby a Portuguese Lawyer can

be struck off the Rolls.

The closing dinner took place on

the Saturday night in a former

palace, the present headquarters of

the Portuguese Red Cross. The

delegates were treated to some

impromptu Irish music and song!

The grand finale of the confer-

ence was the "Tagus Fluvial Tour"

on Sunday. A cruise with wonderful

views over the wide river of Lisbon,

its seven hills, its red tiled rooves,

riverside monuments, and passing

the earthquake-proof suspension


Two important points were

gleaned from the conference.

Firstly, the need for language

training for Irish Lawyers. The

multi-lingual European delegates

put us to shame but it must be

pointed out that none of them

could f o l l ow our t oas ts " as

Gaeilge"! The second surprising

factor was that when one of our

•delegates injured herself after

falling on a wet and slippery floor,

where the proposed Defendant

would have had no answer on

liability, none of the Portuguese

Lawyers jumped forward to offer

his or her services. Needless to say,

all our Irish colleagues would have

been willing to act were it not for

the language barrier.

(Left to right): Eva Tobin, Patricia Boyd, Marian Bultarman, Sandra

Fisher, Justin McKenna, Isabel Magalahas Olavo, Niall Fogarty and

Mi r i am Reynolds.