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Have you ordered your Lawyers Desk Diary 1990?

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as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

The Desk Diary is available in A4 size

Page-A-Day @ £15.00


Week-to-View (Three Days to the Page) @ £10.00

V.A.T. & Postage Included in each case.

Order Forms are included in this issue of The Gazette'

Copies are also available from the Law Society Office

Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.


All t he EC i n f o rma t i on y ou need — just a phone call awa y!

The Law Society Library is n ow linked up t o JUST IS, an on-line

European Cpmmu n i ty l aw database, own ed by Con t ext Ltd.,

London. The database con t a i ns ex t r ac ts f r om the EC treaties,

secondary legislation, preparatory wo r ks and case l aw, and t he full

t ext of t he Common Ma r ket Law Reports. The secondary

legislation sector gives details of regulations, decisions and

directives published in the EC Official Journal (items of short

validity are omi t t ed ).

Using a PC the Library can search the database for measures or

case l aw on a particular subject. The secondary legislation is

cross-referenced to indicate earlier measures a f f ec t ed by a

regulation or directive and any subsequent amend i ng measures.

A print-out of t he list of do c umen ts retrieved can be supplied.

Photocopies of the full t e xt of do c umen ts can be provided f r om

t he Library's set of Of f i c i al Jou r na ls and other EC materials.

The cost of a search wi ll be £ 1 2 . 50 incl. VAT . (This price will

operate for an initial period and will be subject to r ev i ew).

Demons t r a t i ons of the s y s t em, free of charge, will also be

arranged by appo i n tmen t.

Please con t act Ma r ga r et Byrne or Ma ry Gaynor, at t he Soc i e t y 's

Library, regarding searches, demons t r a t i ons, or simply further

i n f o rma t i on on JUST IS.

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