From the President . . .
Having been elected President of
the Law Society at the Council
meeting on 16th November this is
my first message to the profession.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate
my predecessor Maurice Curran
who put in a tremendous amount of
work during the year, travelled ex-
tensively and spared no effort in
working for the benefit of the pro-
fession. It was a difficult year with
matters such as the Building
Societies Act and the recently im-
plemented changes in the education
system. We were fortunate in hav-
ing Maurice Curran there to lead and
guide us through some difficult
times. I genuinely say "thank you
Obviously it is impossible to
anticipate what will arise during the
coming twelve months but it seems
fairly certain that we will receive the
report of the Fair Trade Commission
on legal services and hopefully the
Solicitors Bill will be introduced in
the Oireachtas. We already have
Committees appointed who will be
in a position to deal immediately
with both of these subjects and take
all steps that may be necessary. I can
assure the profession that they will
be fully briefed on all developments
and there will be full consultation
through the Bar Associations.
During my year I look forward to
travelling throughout the country
and meeting as many members of
the profession as I possibly can. I
hope that all the members will
attend the various Bar Association
meetings at which I will be present
as this is one of the great oppor-
tunities to keep you fully updated
with what is going on in Blackhall
Place and also gives me the
opportunity of hearing the thoughts
and views of the members of the
profession. I am very anxious
during my year that there should be
regular consultation and communi-
cation between the Council and
officers of the Society and all the
members throughout the country.
I am also very anxious to urge all
members to join the Solicitors
Financial & Property Services
Company as there are great
benefits to be gained. I am glad to
say that at the moment the
membe r sh ip figures are very
encouraging. I have also no doubts
that the meetings and workshops
now being arranged throughout the
country will further promote and
encourage membership. In my view
this is the best opportunity that the
profession have had for many years
to restore the image in the public
mind that the Solicitor should be
the advisor on financial matters.
We are all aware of the erosion that
has been suffered by Solicitors
through the expansion of the
activities of the Accountants,
Banks, Insurance Brokers and
Estate Agents.
Later on during the early part of
1990 I will be urging all the mem-
bers of the profession to make
certain that they have Professional
Indemnity Insurance and that they
have adequate cover. In this regard
I ask all the members to support our
own Solicitors Mutual Defence
Fund Limited. I know that earlier
this year other companies were
offering very competitive rates but
I think it is interesting that none of
these rates was available or was
offered until such time as we
established our own Fund. It is to
the mutual interest of all members
to support our own Fund.
I will just close by saying how
greatly I apprectiate the honour
that has been bestowed upon me
by my profession and I will try my
utmost to serve the profession up
to the same high standard as my
predecessors have done. It is my
intention during my year to have as
much consultation as possible with
the profession and I will be very
pleased to meet any members of
the profession who would like to
discuss any topics of current
interest and to hear their views. I
will of course be greatly dependent
upon the help and co-operation of
the Council and the various
PRESIDENT 1989 / 90
Mr. Ernest J. Margetson has been
elected President of the Law
Society. Mr. Ma r ge t son was
educated at the High School and
Trinity College, Dublin, and was
admitted as a solicitor in 1951. He
is senior partner in the firm of
Matheson Ormsby Prentice. He
was Honorary Secretary of the
Dublin Solicitors Bar Association
and also President of that Associ-
ation. He was elected to the
Council in 1974 and has served as
Chairman of the Professional Pur-
poses, Compensation Fund, Regis-
trars and Finance Committees. He
was Junior Vice-President of the
Society for the year 1982/83. He is
a Director of Solicitors Financial &
Property Services Company and
Solicitors Mutual Defence Fund Ltd.
Mr. Margetson and his wife, Ruth,
have t wo children, Stuart and Gay.
Stuart is also a partner in Matheson
Ormsby Prentice.