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All the EC information you need — just a phone call away!

The Law Society Library is now linked up to JUSTIS, an on-line

European Community law database, owned by Context Ltd.,

London. The database contains extracts from the EC treaties,

secondary legislation, preparatory works and case law, and the full

text of the Common Market Law Reports. The secondary

legislation sector gives details of regulations, decisions and

directives published in the EC Official Journal (items of short

validity are omitted).

Using a PC the Library can search the database for measures or

case law on a particular subject. The secondary legislation is

cross-referenced to indicate earlier measures affected by a

regulation or directive and any subsequent amending measures.

A print-out of the list of documents retrieved can be supplied.

Photocopies of the full text of documents can be provided from

the Library's set of Official Journals and other EC materials.

The cost of a search will be £12 . 50 incl. VAT. (This price will

operate for an initial period and will be subject to review).

Demonstrations of the system, free of charge, will also be

arranged by appointment.

Please contact Margaret Byrne or Mary Gaynor, at the Society's

Library, regarding searches, demonstrations, or simply further

information on JUSTIS.



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