Snoezelen, Inclusive
Accessible Playground
Inclusive Accessible Playground
, Training
, Dual Diagnosis
The next conference will take place in June 2015.
Global Impact
*as at December 2012
Special Consultant in the Field of Disabilities
to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Beit Issie Shapiro’s influence does not stop at Israel’s borders. In 2012, we were selected as a Special
Consultant in the Field of Disabilities to the UN Economic and Social Council. Being awarded this status
puts us on the global map as one of the top organizations in the field of disabilities worldwide and
means we are also representing the best of what Israel has to offer to the world.
This status will also assist us in our strategic professional global outreach, including providing our
expertise through training and consultation, and further promoting our export models. In addition,
we will have more opportunity to network with other organizations, create new opportunities for
professional development, collaborative research, share best practices, help raise public awareness,
monitor and implement international agreements, as well as resource development.
“The ECOSOC family is very happy to accept Beit Issie Shapiro as a Special Consultant to the
Committee. They have an important role and, moving forward, will take part in one of the
most important committees, bringing advancement to the world.
I expect them to bring us knowledge and share their methods. This is a worthy organization
and we are looking forward to working with them.”
Andrei Abramov, Chief United Nations Department of Social Affairs NGO Branch
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