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Corporate social responsability





to improve the ergonomics of some operations (awareness-raising

about warm-up and recovery exercises for “hot glass” teams, impro-

ving the safety of storage spaces, notably their height, replacing

noisy, hot furnace outlets with more efficient models, installing a

second automatic “helper” for large pieces of “hot glass”, etc.).


At the CATE

, one of the main themes of the 2016 programme was che-

mical risk prevention with a complete inventory of chemical products at

the production unit, an evaluation of the risks and the implementation of

adapted chemical PPE (personal protection equipment) such as safety

goggles when spraying enamel. Artisans exposed to chemical products

attended tailored training with an outside body over the year.

At Beyrand

, the main initiatives related to the production of job descrip-

tions and manager and artisan training, an ergonomics study on silk-

screen printing workstations (mock-up and trial of a “sample” worksta-

tion), selection and testing of new personal protection equipment. The

aim was to combine usage comfort and employee safety.

At Puiforcat

, the focus continued to be on preventing accidents in the

workshop. In addition to circulating risk information sheets, systematic

work took place in the second half of the year on the PPE used for poli-

shing and planing.

Awareness-raising of the damage caused by smoking and help in stop-

ping smoking took place over the year in partnership with the occupa-

tional health doctor.

John Lobb

Training was reinforced in 2016 on fire safety, stress management and

an annual initiation and refresher programme was implemented.

Hermès Distribution France

The division continued to roll out the fire safety and prevention pro-

gramme by holding evacuation exercises , in particular, to test the tech-

nical equipment.

With the aim of boosting the skills and knowledge of the safety person-

nel in stores, personnel training (administrative managers) took place,

which was repeated for store managers.

Finally, in 2016, the securitymanagement of outside companies working

in the stores was examined. Analysing and managing interference risks

was a priority for the year.

Workplace accidents

The diversity of the Group’s activities (as it is both a manufacturing and

trading company), its geographic locations (France and overseas) make

it difficult to provide overall analyses and comparisons of workplace acci-

dent statistics. Health and safety is of course a key priority for all of the

House’s managers.

In France in 2016, where themanufacturing workforce accounts for 70%

of employees, the frequency rate of workplace accidents with stoppage

was 14.9 and the severity rate was 0.63 against 16.8 and 0.78, res-

pectively, the previous year.This calculation is based on total real hours


Leather Goods

Within the Leather and Saddlery Division, which employs 63% of the

manufacturing workforce in France, the workplace accident frequency

rate fell between 2015 and 2016. It has halved since 2012. The acci-

dent severity rate with stoppage fell compared with 2015.

Each work-related accident is the subject of an investigation, with analy-

sis of the causes. In theevent of anaccident, theaffectedproductionunit

must send an accident report to the whole craftsmanship division and

request observations or advice from the other units. This led to the imple-

mentation of a system for sharing experience and best practices, used

by the services charged with health and safety at work to exchange their

opinions and examine common solutions to cope with identified risks.



de la Parfumerie) fell between 2015 and 2016. It remains far below the

frequency rate for the chemical segment. The severity rate of workplace

accidents has continued to fall over the last few years. Furthermore,

there were no accidents on the way to or fromwork in 2016. Road safety

training was provided to some employees who travel as part of their role.