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Corporate social responsability




Labour relations

Social dialogue

Within the Group, social dialogue is a priority and is organised in each

country according to local laws and regulations. In France, Hermès

ensures that these obligations are adhered to. Social dialogue is orga-

nised by the Company in order to comply with local particularities and to


A Group committee meets once a year to discuss and debate the apprai-

sal of the elapsed year and the prospects for coming years. Furthermore,

a social dialogue monitoring committee (France) was set up in 2008

pursuant to the agreement on social dialogue and to assert union rights

within the companies of the Hermès Group. This agreement was signed

in 2008 by all of the representative trade unions. In France, more than

80 agreements and amendments (on both Group and Company levels)

were signed in 2016, including a Group agreement regarding the pay-

ment of an additional contribution for FY 2015. Throughout the year,

agreements have been signed on Sunday working, social dialogue,

incentive schemes, the generation contract andworkplace gender equa-

lity; these agreements demonstrate that employee representatives and

the departments concerned are fully involved in constructive and res-

pectful social dialogue.

Internationally, the labour relations of the distribution operations are

supervised by the Human Resources Directors for each zone (or country,

depending on the size of the local markets), who ensure compliance with

local regulations and application of the Group’s ethics charter.

Social responsibility

Hermès has laid out its social responsibility ambition and policy in a note

entitled “Hermès – a responsible employer”, which has been approved

by the Group Executive Committee.

Through its social responsibility commitments, Hermès implements

strategies to develop its employees while boosting its economic perfor-

mance. Attaining these two inseparable and complementary objectives

involves a range of initiatives to promote responsible integration and

responsible management.

Responsible integration is the result of a conviction and desire. The

conviction that talent diversity is a source of richness, creativity and

innovation for Hermès. Therefore, Hermès is convinced of the crucial

need to constantly strive towards this diversity of talents and to integrate

this talent. To that end, in 2016 the Group developed a diversity mana-

gement and anti-discrimination training programme, which will be rolled

out among local managers throughout 2017. Hermès is also affirming

its dedication to helping vulnerable people, particularly the unemployed,

by implementing social inclusion initiatives. With this in mind, in 2016

Hermès worked to implement a social inclusion clause in its calls for

construction tenders.

The aimof responsiblemanagement is to enable each employee to deve-

lop and realise their full potential in a positive, inclusive setting. This




increasing efforts in terms of health and safety at work;



making employees aware of their responsibilities and supporting

them in their work;



improving wellbeing at work and enabling employees to have a better

work-life balance;



giving a different meaning to commitment by encouraging those who

wish to become involved in community projects.

Equal opportunity

The Group is committed to the principles of recognition and respect,

irrespective of one’s origin, gender, family situation or profession. This

respect for differences is presented to the employees in the ethics char-

ter that serves as the guarantor of the objectivity, equal opportunity and

promotion of diversity without discrimination as part of recruiting, career

progress and daily management.

Employee recruitment respects profile diversity wherever Hermès
