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Corporate social responsability


Report from one of the Statutory Auditors, designated as the independent third party organisation


Confirmation of completeness of CSR Information

Nature and scope of work

We obtained an understanding of the sustainable development policy, on the basis of interviews with the relevant heads of department, according to

the social and environmental impact of the Company’s activity, its societal commitments and any action or programmes related thereto.

We compared the CSR Information presented in the management report with the list stipulated in Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial

Code (

Code de commerce


In case of the absence of certain consolidated information, we verified that explanations were provided in compliance with the provisions of

Article R. 225-105, sub-paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code (

Code de commerce


We ensured that the CSR Information covers the scope of consolidation,


, the Company, its subsidiaries as defined by Article L. 233-1 and the

entities that it controls as defined by Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code (

Code de commerce

), with the limits of the scope indicated in

the “Correspondence table (Article 225-105)” contained in the management report.


Based on this work, and given the limitations mentioned above, we attest to the completeness of the required CSR Information in the management



Reasoned opinion on the fairness of the CSR Information

Nature and scope of work

We conducted approximately ten interviews with the people responsible for preparing the CSR Information in the departments charged with collecting

the information and, where appropriate, the people responsible for the internal control and risk management procedures, in order to:



assess the suitability of the Guidelines in light of their relevance, completeness, reliability, impartiality and comprehensibility, and taking best

market practices into account when necessary;



verify the implementation of a data collection, compilation, processing and control procedure that is designed to produce CSR Information that

is exhaustive and consistent, and familiarise ourselves with the internal control and risk management procedures involved in preparing the CSR


We determined the nature and scope of our tests and controls according to the nature and importance of the CSR Information in view of the charac-

teristics of the Company, the social and environmental challenges of its activities, its sustainable development policy and best market practices.

For the CSR Information that we considered to be most important 





on the level of the consolidating entity and divisions or sites, we consulted documentary sources and conducted interviews to substantiate the

qualitative information (organisation, policy, action), we followed analytical procedures on the quantitative information and verified, using sam-

pling techniques, the calculations and the consolidation of the data, and we verified their consistency and concordance with the other information

in the management report;


Quantitative information: total number and breakdown of employees by geographic region, gender and age; recruitment and dismissals; frequency rate and severity rate of workplace

accidents with stoppage; number of training hours; energy consumption by energy type; Water consumption of industrial sites.

Qualitative information:healthandsafetyconditions;trainingpolicies implemented;generalenvironmentalpolicy;measuresforprevention,recycling,reuse,otherformsofwasterecycling


Company’s impact on employment and regional development; inclusion of social and environmental issues in the purchasing policy; significance of subcontracting and consideration in

relations with suppliers and subcontractors for their social and environmental responsibility.