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Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine

Using Essential Oils on you & your horses....

In my last article we used Essential oils success-

fully in Red Fred’s program. He had damage on

the suspensory ligament in zone 2 on the right

front along with a chronic tear and calcification in

zone 1 on the left front ligament. We were very

pleased with the success in healing and he is now

back in regular activities including barrel racing.

Happy Trails to Red Fred!

This month, I want to introduce you to Aromathera-

py and how I use it in my Equine Energy Balancing


The practice of Aromatherapy is using essential

oils in a variety of methods, through inhalation by

means of the nose and Olfactory system is one of

the methods. The chemical compounds of essen-

tial oils break into molecules that are released into

the air and can be inhaled.

Affects of Essential oils when inhaled.

The response to aroma has been proven to be as

quick as 3 seconds.

Defusing Essential oils

increases the atmospher-

ic oxygen and removes

dust particles out of the

air. Essential oils contain

oxygenating molecules,

which transport nutrients

to the cells of the body and help the body receive

and assimilate nutrients to maintain health. Some

essential oils go beyond the blood brain barrier,

increasing the oxygen around the pineal and pitu-

itary glands.

Affects of Essential oils when applied


Applied topically by rubbing on the feet, essential

oils will travel throughout the body and effect every

cell, including the hair in 20 minutes.

I have experienced some amazing results using

essential oils in healing injuries and wounds with


This is Kentucky. He is a Team Roping Horse. I

received a phone call to

come check him because

the owner could not get a

vet to treat him on Sun-

day. When I saw his horse

the first thing I did was to

ask God to help me and

this horse. I treated the

Continued on page 28


©Everything Horses and Livestock


November 2016
