No Emergency Action Plan
Dealers must have thorough procedures for
reporting emergencies and evacuating if
necessary. Violations would include a failure
to have such procedures or having incomplete
policies that lack details about alarm systems,
rescue or medical response processes, scheduled
drills, etc.
Hidden / Obstructed Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be operational, accessible, and must receive monthly maintenance checks, with
the latest inspection date noted on the tag. Red-and-white “Fire Extinguisher”signs must be positioned
on walls above all units. Employees should be taught how to use an extinguisher.
Unventilated Spray Booths
If your dealership has a spray booth for painting / coating vehicles, it must includemechanical ventilation
that can expel flammable vapors.
Violating the “General Duty Clause”
This is the employer’s requirement to provide a hazard-free workplace. Inspectors may cite tripping
hazards, spill concerns, precariously stacked heavy items, oversupplied electrical areas, or even unclean
service centers as violations.
Poorly Located / Nonfunctional Eyewash Stations
Eyewash stations must be positioned 33 to 45 inches above
floor-level and at least six inches from the wall (or nearest
obstruction). A facility’s size determines how many stations it
needs, but all should be in well-lit areas and reachable within 10
seconds. They should be tested to assure both outlet heads are
operating full-flow.
Contact GNYADA for
more information about
OSHA compliance