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April, 1942]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland


During all his long service as Secretary

his one and only thought was how he

could best promote the interests of the

Society ; no trouble was too great for him

to take to this end and President after



to rely on his ripe

experience and sound judgment in the

many problems which confronted them.

Whatever President came or went, so long

as Mr. W. G. Wakely was at the helm, the

Society could feel sure that its course

would be steered aright and the many

shoals and storms that must arise would

be safely negotiated.

It is with feelings

akin to dismay that the members of the

Council face the prospect of having to

conduct the affairs of the Society without

the assistance of

their late Secretary.

To each member of the Council he was a

personal friend and with the passing of

this truly great-hearted Christian gentle

man each member feels the poorer.

It is

no exaggeration to say that he was loved

by every member of

the profession."

Passed unanimously, 30th May,


(Signed) G. A. OVEREND,



His Honor Ion G. Wakely, Mrs. CaldBeck,

and Mrs. Johnson, desire to return their

sincere thanks to the Council of the Incor

porated Law Society of Ireland, the President

and Council Northern Ireland Law Society,

the members of the Dublin Bar Association

and Carlow Sessional Bar Association, the

members of


Solicitors' Apprentices

Debating Society, the County Kerry Law

Society, The General Council Provincial





Association, The Limerick Bar Associa

tion, and the Solicitors generally, for the deep

sympathy extended to them upon the death

of their beloved father, Mr. W. G. Wakely,

which they greatly appreciate. They also

wish to return grateful thanks for all the

beautiful floral tributes.




April, 1942.


19th March.

Twenty-six members present.



MR. JOHN R. BRENNAN, Solicitor, died on

the 28th February, 1942, at his residence,

" Glena," Wexford.

Mr. Brennan, along with his wife, lost his

life most tragically in a fire, which destroyed

their residence. Mr. Brennan served his

apprenticeship with the late Mr. Thomas

Huggard, Tralee, obtaining second place and

a silver medal at his final examination, and

was admitted a Solicitor in Trinity Sittings,

1900, and practised as senior partner in the

firm of Huggard, Brennan & Godfrey, in


He became a member of


Council in the year 1929 and filled the Office

of Vice-President in the year 1938-39. •


gave valuable assistance in the work of the

Council and was very effective in debate.

He had a most genial manner and was held

in high regard by his colleagues.

At its Meeting on the 19th March, the

Council passed the following Resolution :—

" The Council of the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland has learned with feelings

of deepest sorrow and regret of the tragic

deaths of our beloved colleague, Mr. John

R. Brennan and his wife.

The Council

desires to express to the bereaved family,

its most sincere and heartfelt sympathy

with them in their great loss and to pay


tribute to the memory of a fine Solicitor

and great gentleman."

The President was represented at the

funeral and

the Council sent a wreath.

MR. GERARD N. REDDIN, Solicitor, a

brother of District Justice Reddin, died on

10th March, 1942, in Dublin.

Mr. Reddin served his apprenticeship to

Mr. Patrick J. Brady, Dublin, was admitted

in Michaelmas Sittings, 1917, and practised

at 16 Westmoreland Street, Dublin.