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Proceedings of the Council

15th July 1971: The President in the chair, also present,

Messrs Walter Beatty, Bruce St. J. Blake, John Carri-

gan, Anthony E. Collins, Gerard M. Doyle, Joseph L.

Dundon, James R. C. Green, Gerald Hickey, Christo-

pher Hogan, Thomas Jackson, John B. Jermyn, Francis

J. Lanigan, Patrick McEntee, John Maher, Gerald J.

Moloney, Patrick C. Moore, Desmond Moran, Senator

John J. Nash, George A. Nolan, Patrick Noonan, Rory

O'Connor, Thomas V. O'Connor, Patrick O'Donnell,

James W. O'Donovan, William A. Osborne, David R.

Pigot, Peter D. M. Prentice, Mrs. Moya Quinlan,

Robert McD. Taylor and Ralph J. Walker.

The following was among the business transacted.

Increase in Solicitors' Remuneration

It was reported to the Council that the Superior

Courts Rules Committee and the Circuit Court Rules

Committee had approved an increase of 42 per cent

on existing charges and the appropriate orders had

been drafted for submission to the Minister. The Statu-

tory Body under the Solicitors' Remuneration Act,

1881, had indicated its agreement in principle and it

is expected that an order would be made under that

Act increasing schedule 2, items 2 to 20, by 42 per cent.

An application before the Land Registration Rules

Committee for an increase in the charges under Rule

236 (1) (i) which deals with transfers otherwise than on

sale and also seeking a change in the basis on which the

fee is assessed from fifty times poor law valuation to

market value is still pending.

Courts Bill, 1971

The Council considered the provisions of the Bill and

welcomed in particular Section 21 authorising the ser-

vice of Superior Court documents by registered pre-

paid post to the residence or place of business of the

person to be served or the place of business of his

solicitor. The Secretary was directed to write to the

Department of Justice suggesting that the provisions of

the Bill increasing the jurisdiction of the Circuit and

District Courts should not come into operation until

such time as new rules of Court dealing with procedure

and costs have been prepared. The Council also wel-

comed the provisions of the Bill allowing solicitors a

right of audience in all Courts and directed the Secre-

tary to inform the Department of Justice that in the

view of the Council solictors should also be eligible for

appointment to the Bench in all Courts.

Liability for Estate Duty on Marriage Gifts

The Council considered a report from the Public

Relations and Services Committee on Budget Resolution

No. 7 which subject to certain limitations as to amount

removes the exemption from estate duty previously

enjoyed by gifts in consideration of marriage. The

Council had also authorised the release of a press state-

ment disapproving of the resolution and its circulation

to the national and provincial press.

Solicitor's Right to Costs

A member had written to a bank undertaking to

hold title deeds of certain property in trust for the bank

subject only to his own claim for costs. The bank in

reply asked him to sign an unconditional undertaking.

The Council suggested that in circumstances such as

this where the bank provides a standard form of under-

taking it should be amended to provide for the deduc-

tion by the solicitor of his costs and outlay.

Landlord's Costs on Purchase of Ground Rents

A member stated that in many cases in which he had

acted for the lessor and the usual notice under the

Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act, 1967, had

been served and copy documents of title furnished, the

lessee had decided not to proceed, and, in these cases,

the costs in respect of furnishing title had never been

paid. In many other cases, the lessee through his solici-

tor declined to discharge the costs in respect of furnish-

ing title until such time as the matter is completed

which may not happen for many years. The Council

were asked whether the solicitor is entitled to insist

on having his costs discharged upon supplying the

documents of title. In the Council's view the solicitor

for the lessor has no legal right to demand his costs

until the matter is completed or a notice of discontinu-

ance served. There is no objection, however, to him

requesting the payment of proper scrivenery fees and

search fees at the time at which copy documents of

title are furnished and the Council suggest that where

such a request is made the solicitor for the lesses should

endeavour to have the fees discharged.



Due to Increased business the ACC requires the ser-

vices of a Solicitor to assist the Law Agent. Applicants

should be experienced conveyancers and have a sound

general legal knowledge.

Age limits 28 to 33 years.


£2,500 TO £3,750

It is envisaged that the appointment may be made above

the figure of £2,500 where the applicant is specially

suited on the grounds of age and experience.

Apply in writing to: