Mr. John Seery died on 4th May 1971 at his residence,
Derrylynn House, Ballinderry, Mullingar, Go. West-
meath. Mr. Seery was admitted in Easter Term, 1938,
and practised in Pearse Street, Mullingar.
Paddy Cusack—An Appreciation. The recent death of
Paddy Gusack has deprived the profession of one of its
most noted members. No one visiting County Cavan,
particularly his home town of Ballyjamesduff, can fail
to notice the huge impression he has made on the life of
that community.
Essentially the country solicitor, he combined all the
talents and more one expects to find in a person of his
position. The impression he made on Ballyjamesduff
and its hinterland is a permanent one. The industries
he brought to the town have provided much needed
local employment and have continued to flourish. The
local pride he has instilled in the community has been
reflected by the town's continued success in Bord
Fáilte's tidy towns competition. His consuming interest,
apart from his family and his busy practice, was the
Ballyjamesduff musical society. Founder of this society,
he was its musical director for many years. This society
is a great and continuing addition to the cultural life
of the town. It has encouraged in young people an
interest in music and the theatre and has instilled in
them self-confidence.
Anyone who met Paddy Cusack cannot fail to have
been impressed by his kindliness and generosity. His
hospitality was renowned. We have all lost a friend and
Ballyjamesduff has lost its leading citizen.
New Land Certificate
Applications have been received from the relevant solicitors
for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the orig-
inal land certificate issued in respect of lands specified in
the Schedule, which original land certificate is stated to have
been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new land certificate
will be issued unless notification is received in the _ Land
Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication
of this notice that the original certificate is in existence and in
the custody of some person other than the registered owner.
Any such notification should state the grounds on which the
certificate is being held.
Dated this 6th day of June 1971.
Registrar of Titles
Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7.
(1) Registered owner: John O'Donoghue; Folio 51170;
Lands, Ballinaspig More, County Cork; Area, 7a. lr. 12p.
(2) Registered Owner: R. Chapman & Son Limited; Folio
17327; Lands, Kilcullenbridge (E.D. Kilcullen), County Kil-
dare; Area, la. lr. 23p.
(3) Registered Owner: Daniel Creedon; Folio 16534R; Lands,
Coolmucky, County Cork; Area, 115a. 2r. Op.
(4) Registered Owner: Thomas Dinegan; Folio 584; Lands,
R. M. Neville—An Appreciation. "Whom the gods
love . . . " But it was not only the gods who loved Max
Neville, few people have been so universally liked and
admired, and few people combine intellectual brilliance
and hard work with such kindly and genuine interest in
people. Max proved himself both as a barrister and a
solicitor to be one of the finest lawyers of his generation,
as well as one of those with the widest interests and
sympathies. His public-spiritedness brought him to a
leading position in the college in his beloved Cork and
in the Society of Young Solicitors and, though he was
always busier than most, to write on legal topics, some-
thing few Irish practitioners manage to do. But Max
did not love learning better than mankind : he com-
bined all this with a gentleness and simplicity which
involved no condescension and which made him as close
and as good a friend of those with whom he gossiped,
always charitably, as of those with whom he argued
philosophy or economics.
All this was known to his friends. But it was only
recently that we realised that he combined all these
qualities with great courage. Even to the last when the
shadow of death was on him, he carried on his many
voluntary and professional activities as conscientiously
and kindly as ever. "What made us dream that he
could comb grey hairs?" A good friend and a fine man
has shared in that discourtesy of death.
J.T.L. and J.F.B.
The Irish Times
(1st May 1971)
Cartrongeeragh, County Longford; Area, 23a. Or. lp.
(5) Registered Owner: Francis Freehill; Folio 22120; Lands,
Snugborough, County Cavan; Area, 13a. 3r. 20p.
(6) Registered Owner: John Hogan (Junior); Folio 2678;
Lands, Mackney (Bourke), County Tipperary; Area, 8a. Or. 36p.
(7) Registered owner: Philip Kearney; Folio 20249; Lands,
Trillick, County Donegal; Area, 5a. 3r. 4p.
John Neary,
late of 1 Rockfield Drive, Whitehall Road, Tere-
nure, Dublin 12. Will any person who has knowledge of the
last will and testament of the above named who died on
5th May 1971 please contact the undermentioned solicitors,
Messrs Crean O Cléirigh and O'Dwyer, Ballyhaunis, Co.
Mayo, as soon as possible.
Eugene O'Sullivan,
deceased, will any person having knowledge
of a will made by the above named deceased late of 1 Cow-
ley Road, Mortlake, London, S.W.14, and formerly of 1
Beverley Road, Barnes, London, S.W.I3, and formerly
resident in Castletown-Bere, County Cork, who died on 31st
December 1970 please communicate with Messrs W. Ronan
and Son of 94-95 South Mall, Cork, as soon as possible.
The July/August issue of the
will be
published on approximately July 15th next.