The Society gave its Lecture
Hall free of charge for an SEA
public meeting on December
8th, 1986. It purports to charge
Legal C.C. for use of a Con-
sultation Room on 6 occasions
(usually at lunchtime) for con-
sultative meetings on SEA.
Legal C.C. had been invited to
freely avial of such facility since
the early 1970's for its occa-
sional lunchtime meetings of
Solicitors and Counsel con-
cerned about matters of funda-
mental and constitutional
importance, enjoying valuable
assistance from such as
Honourable Mr. Justice Brian
Walsh; the Society President,
Mr. Walter Beatty and the Socie-
ty Secretary, the late Mr. Eric
Plunkett. Do the members con-
sider that the Society is doing its
duty in so exacting payment
where some of its members
helped to fulfil an important
function neglected by it?"
Mr. Anthony Murphy outlined
the background to the resolution.
Mr. Margetson, Chairman of the
Finance Committee, commented
that it was not the practice of the
Society to provide rooms free for
any activity. Insofar as the Single
European Act was concerned, the
President considered that this was
an area of politics and as such
should not involve the Society. Ac-
cordingly he proposed that the
Resolution be rejected. On being
put to the meeting, and the Resolu-
tion was declared LOST.
Solicitors Benevolent
On the invitation of the Presi-
dent, Mr. John O'Connor, Chair-
man, addressed the meeting on the
work of the Solicitors Benevolent
Association and on the support it
had received during the year
through the good offices of Mr.
Brendan Walsh and Mr. Frank
O'Donnell who participated in the
Maracycle to Belfast. That par-
ticipation exercise had produced
almost £1 5,000 — a very welcome
cash injection. At Mr. O'Connor's
re-quest the secretary of the
Society, Ms. Clare Leonard then
presented Mr. Walsh and Mr.
O'Donnell with Yellow Jerseys.
Prize Bond Draw
The results of the draw were
tabled. The successful bonds were: —
Bond Number
Hugh O'Donnell
John P. Aylmer
Patrick Macklin
John Hooper
Patrick J. O'Gara
John Baily
John & Robert Kieran 2218
William L. Duggan
Michael Hayes
Patrick McEntee
Sean T. Kennedy 2023Maurice R. Curran - Senior Vice President 1987/88
Maurice R. Curran was educated at Blackrock College and
U.C.D. obtaining B.C.L. and LL.B. degrees with First Class
Honours. He qualified as a Solicitor in 1961, having been
awarded the Overend & Findlater Scholarships. He joined
the firm of Walker Son & Mason, now Mason Hayes &
Curran, in which he is currently Managing Partner.
Rory O'Donnell - Junior Vice President 1987/88
Rory O'Donnell is Senior Partner in Rory O'Donnell & Com-
pany, 16 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. He was educated at
Killenard National School, Monasterevin C.B.S. and De La
Salle Brothers, Kildare. He was admitted as a Solicitor in
1961. He worked for Dominic Dowling for 6 years before
setting up a practice on his own. He has been closely
associated with the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association of
which he was President in 1981/82.