9781422289167 - page 39

1. A bag of potato chips cost $1.99. You want to buy 5 bags. How much will they cost alto-
2. You have $10 with you when you go to the store for groceries. You need to buy these
milk: $1.88
bread: $.99
peanut butter: $3.87
jelly: $2.89
Estimate to find out if you have enough money with you. What about if you buy 2 loaves
of bread? Will you still have enough?
3. You discover you have a coupon with you for the milk. The coupon is for 50% off. How
much will the milk cost now?
4. Fill in the blanks below:
5 cups = ______ ounces
16 cups = ______ pints
6 quarts = ______ gallons
5. A recipe calls for ¾ cup flour. You want to double the recipe. How much flour will you
need now?
6. You can only fit 12 cookies at a time into the oven. You want to make 60 cookies. How
many batches will you need to make?
7. If each batch of cookies takes 12 minutes to bake, how long will you need to bake all 60
8. If a package of potato chips says it has 10 grams of fat per serving, how many calories do
those 10 grams equal?
9. You add up all the calories you eat in a day, and find you ate 3,400 calories. If you eat like
that every day, will you probably gain weight or lose weight?
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