9781422289167 - page 46

If he makes 18 burgers, enough for everyone to have 3, how long will he need to allow for the
cooking time?
18/4 x 8 = 36 minutes
HowMany Batches?
Cooking Time
You want to make 8 pieces
of toast, but your toaster will
only hold 2 slices of bread at
a time. It takes 3 minutes for
each batch to toast.
4 batches
12 minutes
You’re baking cookies that
need 12 minutes to bake. The
recipe will make 36 cookies,
but your cookie sheet will
only hold 12 cookies at a time.
3 batches
36 minutes
If Lamar does each one of these things, one at a time, how much time will it take?
164 minutes,
or 2 hours and 44 minutes.
Will he be done before his guests arrive?
Not quite. He only has 2 hours and 30 minutes.
So if Lamar bakes the cake first, then puts the macaroni and cheese into the oven as soon as the
cake comes out, what time will the macaroni and cheese be ready to come out of the oven?
minutes + 45 minutes= 80 minutes from now.
While the cake and the macaroni are baking, will Lamar and George have time to do the other
things they need to do?
The other tasks will take 84 minutes to do, so they will just about have
HowMany Cups?
5 ten-ounce bottles of soda =
6 ¼ cups
2 gallons of cranberry juice =
32 cups
½ gallon of apple juice =
8 cups
46 ¼ cups
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