CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
Moreover, the Commission welcomed the two memoranda prepared by the
Secretariat and took note of the six potential topics that would be further considered
by the Working Group in 2017.
To sum up, it seems that the Commission had a successful session. The forthcoming
elections will bring a partial change of the membership. When the ILC meets the
next year, it will have fewer topics to discuss. Instead of the 9 topics it had in 2016, it
may expect just five reports at best. This opens a window of opportunity in two ways.
First, the Commission could accelerate its work on the remaining topics. Second,
it could take on board one or two new topics. All in all, any reports of the crisis of the
codification of international law in the ILC are greatly exaggerated.
These topics are: (a) General principles of law; (b) International agreements concluded with or between
subjects of international law other than States and international organizations; (c) Recognition of
States; (d) Land boundary delimitation and demarcation; (e) Compensation under international law;
and (f) Principles of evidence in international law.