CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
In order to enhance the mechanism of implementation, established by Act
no. 318/2001, superseded by Act no. 186/2011 currently in force, the Agent of the
Government, whose office forms part of the Ministry of Justice, responsible for the
coordination of the execution of Strasbourg Court judgments, created an advisory
body composed of representatives of all the ministries, highest courts, both chambers
of Parliament, the Office of the Public Defender of Rights, the Supreme Prosecutor’s
Office and the Bar Association, in order to deal with issues of execution as well as
with broader questions of implementation of the Convention as a whole. It may
therefore be expected that the Czech authorities are better equipped to respond to
challenges that membership in the Convention system creates.
This is fully consistent with the declaration adopted at the Brussels High-level
conference on the “Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights:
our shared responsibility”, held on 26–27 March 2015, in which the Czech delegation
actively participated.