uncompromisingly stressed that there is no such thing as an “implied authorization
to use force”, stating “that force has either been authorized or it has not.”
2.2 Security Council authorization
The UN Charter does not provide an exact basis of UNSC authorization. The
authorized military operations replaced in fact stipulations of the UN Charter that
the UNSC would have at its disposal armed forces in accordance with a special
agreements concluded with member states (Art. 43-7). Such agreements, however,
have never been concluded. Military operations “authorized” by the UNSC are not
carried out or financed by the UN but by states alone or by international organizations
(NATO, the EU, the AU), participating in military operations. Only during the
period from 1 January 2000 until January 2012 did the UNSC adopt 80 resolutions
in which it authorized states and international organizations to use armed force. Of
these 80 resolutions, 75 were adopted unanimously. Almost all resolutions explicitly
determined that the situations concerned constitute “a threat to international peace
and security” and referred to Chapter VII of the UN Chapter.
In most cases the
UNSC refers to threats to peace and security. Only a reference to Chapter VII does
not itself automatically mean an “authorization” of the use of force. The UNSC
may accept not only a recommendation but also decide upon a wide variety of
measures provided in Art. 39. Therefore the text of the resolutions and their correct
interpretation should be decisive. A phrase in resolutions authorizing one to use “all
necessary means” has been understood mostly as authorization to use also military
force. There are cases when the UNSC explicitly excluded the use of military force,
imposing economic sanctions on Iran and other countries. On the other hand, there
are some cases (exceptionally) when the SC in authorization resolutions referred
directly to the use of armed force. If there is an intention of the UNSC to authorize
the use of armed force, the UNSC should express it explicitly
to avoid any doubts.
The UNSC may provide authorization for a limited period of time or without
giving any time. In such a case a new resolution to terminate authorization is
required. It is important for the UNSC to always execute control or supervision
over authorized military operations. Therefore a reporting procedure on the basis of
the UNSC authorization, often in specified intervals, is required. A unilateral action
taken individually or collectively without UNSC authorization is difficult to justify
on the basis of either the UN Charter or general (customary) international law.
Supra note 1, p. 10.
See BLOKKER, N. Outsourcing the use of force: towards more Security Council control of authorized
operations? in: WELLER, M. (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in international Law.
Oxford: OUP Oxford, 2015, pp. 202-226.
., p. 213. LOBEL, J., RATNER, M. Bypassing the Security Council: ambiguous authorizations to
use force, lease-fires and the Iraqi inspection regime.
Vol. 93, 1999, pp. 124-154.