F E B R U A R Y , 2 0 1 8
"Please join us as we celebrate all
our shining stars that have made
considerable contributions to our
industry over the past year."
am excited to announce that the 2018 CAI-NJ Board of
Directors held their reorganization meeting on Thursday,
January 11th. The following board members were elected
for 2018:
Lisa Vitiello, CPA -
Mohammed Salyani, CPA -
President Elect
Jennifer Nevins -
Vice President
Loren Lightman, Esq. -
Mark Wetter, Esq. -
Also, I’d like to welcome Christopher Nicosia and Ben
Basch to the board. I would also like to thank Denise
Becker and Gabe Vitale who recently retired from the
board after serving 6 years. Both Denise and Gabe will
be missed as they both were major contributors to the
success of our chapter. I look forward to working with the
2018 Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
I am sure everyone is back to their preholiday/ New Year’s
schedule and looking to mark their calendars for the upcoming
year. The staff and board at CAI-NJ have been busy filling in
the dates with dozens of events that are geared towards all
our membership groups. Here are some important dates to
ink in. First, our annual Awards Dinner is set for February 15th
at the Imperia in Somerset. Please join us as we celebrate all
our shining stars that have made considerable contributions
to our industry over the past year. Another important date to
remember is March 20th. We annually co-host with IREM
“The Real Estate Economic Forecast”. We are very excited
to announce this year that Peter Reinhart, Esq. will be the
presenter. Peter was the 1998 President of CAI-NJ and has
an extensive background in New Jersey real estate matters.
The forecast will take place at The Forsgate Country Club
in Monroe Township. Please see page 22 for more details
and how to register. Also, one of our most anticipated and
requested program is the Legislative Updates. This year, as
in previous years we have scheduled four regional seminars
which will take place on March 27, April 3,10, and 17.
Details can be found on page 24. Angela has put together
a very interesting schedule for our Lecture Series which take
place at our CAI-NJ headquarters in Freehold. The first one
is set for February 20th and the topic is “The Effects of the
2018 Tax Reform". If you plan on attending. Details are on
page 44. Also, be on the lookout for announcements for the
Senior Summit, our Roundtables, and our Board Leadership
Development Workshops.
Please take advantage of as many of our educational
events as you can. Our chapter is very fortunate in having
very experienced industry experts both on the state and
national levels.