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if drank hot and immoderately, it creates

acidity in the stomach, weakens the nerves,

and gives rise to complaints of the breast.

He further states, that after a heavy meal it

is improper, as it may check digestion, and

injure the stomach•.


Extract the juice from the rind of three

iemons, by rubbing loaf sug·ar



The peeling of two Seville oranges and two

lemons, cut extremely thin. The juice of

four Seville oranges and teu lemons. Six

glasses of calves-feet j elly in a liquid state.

The above to be put into a jug, and stirred

well together. Pour two quarts of boili

11 ,..

water on the mixture, cover the jug


and place it near the fire for a quarter of


hour. Then strain the liquid through a sieve

• Fielding mentions a Clergyman who preferred

Punch to Wine for this orthodox reason, that the former

was a liquor no where spoken agaimt in Scripture.