Infertility Specialists
Dr. Christopher Haynes
Prince of Wales Hospital
30-32 Ngan Shing Street
Yuen Chai Kok, Shatin
Tel: 2632 2800
Dr. Milton Leong
318 Central Building
3 Pedder Street, Central
Tel: 2523 3007
Internal Medicine / Infectious Diseases/Tropical
Dr. Gloria Kim Pei
City Health
Room 1527, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Tel: 2526 1144
Dr. John Simon
Central Medical Practice
Suite 1501, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Tel: 2521 2567
Dr. Gary Kots
Central Eye Care
Room 1702, OnHongCommercial Building
145 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
Tel: 2866 2030
Ophthalmologist and Pediatric
Dr. Agnes Tse
Hong Kong SanatoriumandHospital Ltd.
2 Village Road, Happy Valley
Tel: 2572 0211
www.hksh.comPhysiotherapists and Chiropractors
www.cda.org.hkByrne Hickman Physiotherapy and
Sports Injury Centre
11 Duddell St, Central
Tel: 2526 7533
www.Byrne-hickman.comRepulse Bay Arcade
Tel: 2812 7231
www.Byrne-hickman.comPhysio Central
3-5 Arbuthnot Road, Central
Tel: 2801 4801