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In home filtration systems

Water — Beaches

Thewater istested every twoweeksandwarnings areposted ifbacteria levels arehigh.These

arepublishedinthedailypapers.Swimming inpollutedwaterwithhighbacteria levelscan result

in complaints of diarrhea; and gastrointestinal, skin or ear, nose and throat—and in some cases

hepatitis A—infection.

Wet Markets

Fresh FruitandVegetables—Fresh fruit and vegetable stalls abound on the streets of Hong

Kong.Wash all fruit and vegetables and always peel when possible. For salad vegetables soak in

asolutionofbottledwater andsaltbefore rinsing inbottledwater.

Meat and Fish—Wet markets sell fish and un-refrigeratedmeats,which can be questionable.

Local meat and poultry is not always inspected so it is advisable to rinse themwith water.Meat

purchased in expatriate grocery stores is usually a better purchase. Meat imported from Australia,

NewZealand and the USA is also available fromexpatriate grocery stores and many home

delivery online food suppliers – see Page 31 for options.



clinics and 24-hour emergency departments. However, these public hospitals, while providing

qualitymedical care,may nothave private roomsavailable.Please note that ifyou dial 999 for

an ambulance,youwill be taken to the nearest public


youwish to be taken to a private

hospital, make your request to the ambulance driver.

The costoftheGovernmentrunhospitalswillvaryifyoudonotcarryaHongKong Identitycard.

For privateattendance youmustspecify thatyouwanttobe taken toaprivate facility.

Medical Insurance

Medical costs can be high in Hong Kong and are often required to be paid up front. It is best to

clarify charges before they are incurred. Medical insurance is often included in an expatriate

employment package. Private and public care is available. Public care costs are often significantly

lower than private care.

The most popular hospitals used by expatriates are Adventist, Canossa and The Matilda.