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also was the work of Boekholt in galvanising interest in occupational health throughout

the shipyards in Europe and the USA. Boekholt died in February 2010 leaving a legacy of

working towards better health outcomes for shipyard welders that had consumed him for

many years, work that will be continued well into the future by others of similar intent.



. Welding in the World,

vol. 28, no. 7/8, p. 184 – 1984.

 2. Tinkler, M. J. – ‘Fume Information for Welders’ – VIII-1556-90.

 3. McMillan, Grant – ‘Health of Welders in Naval Dockyards’ – VIII-1122-83/IIW-


 4. TG-HIST Documents ‘IIW from 1990 to now’ – Document IIS/IIW-1038-89 (Ex

Doc VIII-1468-89).

 5. TG-HIST Documents ‘IIW from 1990 to now’ – Document IIS/IIW-1123-91 (Ex

Doc VIII-1565-91).

 6. Kadefors, Roland – ‘Recommendations for Welding Workplace Design: Physical

workload aspects’ – CV-III 1672-92.

 7. Zschiesche, W., ‘On the Subject of the Cancer Risk in Arc Welding’,

Welding in the


vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 124-125 – 1993.

 8. ibid.

 9. ‘Welding Information Centre’,

Journal of Occupational Health and Environmental


, February 2, 2006.

10. ‘Commissioned Study on Welding Exposure to Manganese’ – American Welding

Society – July 2004.

11. McMillan, G., ‘Is Electric Arc Welding Linked to Manganism or Parkinson’s


PUBMED Resources

– NCBI 2005.

12. ‘Solder Fume and You’,

Health and Safety Excellence

– Welding Information

Centre – UK Govt.

13. ‘Occupational Exposure to Manganese’–

Centers for Disease Control and


, National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) USA.

14. ibid. ‘Hexavalent Chromium’.

15. Hanna A. et al., ‘Occupational Asthma Caused by Stainless Steel Welding Fumes:

A clinical Study’,

European Respiratory Journal,

pp. 85-90 – 2007.

16. Commission VIII Working Unit Documents 1997/98.

17. McMillan, G., ‘Abstract: International Activity in Health and Safety in Welding –

IIW’, Table 1,

Welding in the World

, vol. 50, no. 3/4 – 2006.

18. ibid.

19. ‘Evaluation of Health Hazards Caused by Hazardous Substances in Welding’ –


20. Minutes,CommissionVIII–Copenhagen,Denmark–23-28June2002–VIII-1960-02.

21. Ziegenfuss, Glenn – Contribution to review of Chapter 9 – December 2016.

22. Hewitt, Peter J., ‘Strategies for risk assessment and control in welding: Challenges

for developing countries’,

Welding in the World,

vol. 45, no. 4, p. 296 – 2001.

23. Minutes, Commission VIII– Bucharest, Hungary – 7-9 July 2003 – VIII-1979-03.