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Appr ent i cesh ip

There is now a considerable time-lag

between the date a student becomes

eligible to enter the Law School and

entry on the Professional Course. (See

notice on page 296 of October, 1993


It is timely to remind practitioners

entitled to take apprentices that the 1954

Solicitors Act requires an apprentice to

serve a bona fide apprenticeship during

the whole term of indentures.

The period of training in a solicitor's

office and apprenticeship should reap

benefits for both apprentice and master.

This is possible only if the apprentice is

engaged full-time in meaningful legal

work in the master's office. This is,

indeed, the requirement not merely of

the Solicitors Acts but also of the con-

tract of "Indentures of Apprenticeship".

If a practitioner completes a document

which avers that an apprentice has

attended at the office or has gained

experience in certain areas of practice

where this is subsequently found not to

be the case such conduct may be viewed

as a disciplinary matter and that

solicitor may be referred to the

Registrar's Committee.

In the same way, a student who

improperly or inaccurately represents

that s/he will complete or has completed

a full-time apprenticeship may be

brought before the Education

Committee. It may then report to the

President of the High Court that the

apprentice is not, in its opinion, a fit and

proper person to be admitted as a


Education Committee.

Law School

T imetable

1994 Courses

Professional Course 34

(had started

on 26/10/93)

January 4 - February 24

Professional Course 35

March 21 - July 15

Professional Course 36

August 22 - December 14

Advanced Course 30

February 21 - April 25

Advanced Course 31

June 6 - July 29

1994 Examinations

1st Irish

- January 11/12 & July 19

2nd Irish -

January 13 & July 20

Preliminary -

March 29/30


- September 2 - September 9

(section 1)

September 23 - September 30

(Section 2)

Dates and duration of courses are

liable to change

Professor Richard Woulfe

Director of Education

Sol icitors Group on

mental handicap

legal issues

Some members of the Society have

expressed an interest in establishing a

group of solicitors with a special

interest/expertise in the area of mental

handicap legal issues. The group, if

established, would liaise with a

similar group in the Law Society of

Northern Ireland.

Among the issues that crop up are

matters such as drawing up a will for

the parents of a mentally handicapped

child, in which provision would be

made for the special needs of the handi-

capped child after the testator's death.

Any practitioner interested in

participating in such a group is asked

to contact

Linda Kirwan

, Solicitor, at

the Law Society, 6710711 Ext. 331,

by 10 December, 1993.

SADSI Elections

Pursuant to a resolution passed by the

Committee of SADSI, all apprentices

who wish to run for the office of

Auditor in the forthcoming elections

may do so, regardless of the date of

expiration of their indentures. This is

departing from a practice which has

developed in the Society over a

number of years, which has no basis

in the constitution. Provision for such

a rule has been made in the draft

constitution which will be presented at

the forthcoming AGM to be held on 2

December next.

Paula E Murphy, Auditor.

Doyle Court Reporters

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