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On the State of Professional Opportunities

for Women in Biophysics

At last year’s BPS meeting, while talking with

several of you about how the Committee for

Professional Opportunities for Women (CPOW)

can better serve the BPS membership, I learned

— much to my surprise — that the perception of

gender equality and fairness in biophysics varies

widely among our colleagues. At one extreme,

some expressed disappointment that “not much

has changed” since CPOW was formed in 1972;

at the other, some declared “mission accom-

plished.” I suspect that like me, many of you will

disagree with both statements, but I cannot guess

where on the spectrum a consensus, if there is one,

may lie.

To investigate these perceptions, CPOW will

host a blog series on the Biophysical Society blog,

where members can express their views on the

subject by briefly answering these four questions:

In your opinion,

1. What is the current state of gender equality in

science and biophysics?

2. What is the value of having equality and true


3. What is one area that needs attention; and

4. What is the one thing that can be done right


We kick off this initiative by publishing below

answers from our fearless BPS Past President

Suzanne Scarlata

. You are encouraged to read and

comment on these blog posts at https://biophysi-

, and to volunteer your

own answers by emailing them to

Laura Phelan



Thank you for your engagement. I look forward

to hearing from you,

Gabriela K. Popescu

, CPOW Chair

What is the current state of gender equality

in science and biophysics?

Compared to where we were 20 years ago, we’ve

made a great deal of progress. Women now

populate key positions in companies, universi-

ties, and scientific organizations. While we are

still underrepresented especially in top positions,

our numbers are growing and the trend is going

up. However, we are far from shattering the glass


Women have a better support system than in years

past. In previous years when only a few senior

women were around, women had to rely on father

figures for advice in making their way through the

system, which, of course, could limit the content

of conversations. Now there are more women

mentors both locally and through groups like the

BPS that can bring together women to share their


For the most part, I feel that time is on our side.

Most colleagues my age and younger are fairly

unbiased and this percentage is increasing every

decade. Just a few years ago, I attended a meet-

ing where I was the only female speaker. One of

organizers was openly misogynistic which seemed

to bother my male colleagues even more than me.

What is the value of having equality and

true inclusiveness?

It goes without saying that having true inclusive-

ness and equality is invaluable. Everyone should

be able to have the opportunity to work at their

full potential and be appreciated and respected for

what they do.

What is one area that needs attention?

Scientifically, we need to continue to promote

ourselves (unfortunately, most of us are really bad

at self-promotion) and our female colleagues by

suggesting them for talks, for positions on edito-

rial boards, and other leadership positions. We

need to cite their articles when appropriate and

give women the credit they deserve.