Exocytosis Endocytosis
I am pleased to announce the members of the
Exo/Endo Subgroup Organizing Committee for
Dixon J. Woodbury
, Brigham Young
University, Chair;
Brian M. Salzberg,
of Pennsylvania, Past Chair;
Amy Lee
, University
of Iowa, Chair-Elect;
Ilana Lotan
, Tel Aviv Uni-
versity; and
Les Satin
, University of Michigan. We
received 10 nominations for the Sir Bernard Katz
Award. Each nominee was an outstanding leader
and scientist in the areas of exocytosis or endocy-
tosis. A first round of voting reduced the pool to
just two, and in a final vote
Manfred Lindau
, Cor-
nell University and Max Planck Institute, Göt-
tingen, was selected as the 2018 Awardee. Lindau
will give the concluding talk at our 2018 meeting.
The other speakers will be:
Tom Kirschhausen
Harvard University;
Patrik Rorsman
, Oxford Uni-
Katalin Toth
, Centre de Recherche
Université Laval Robert-Giffard, Quebec;
, Colorado State University; and
van den Bogaart
, Radboud University, The Neth-
erlands. We are also excited that one of the Soci-
ety’s symposia for the 2018 meeting is on synaptic
vesicle fusion and retrieval. This is thanks to the
efforts of
Ruth Heidelberger
Ling-gang Wu
We look forward to seeing you all at the meet-
ing and remind you that as you submit your
abstracts, be sure to have your students enter the
SRAA competition and indicate their topic as
Exo/Endo. We will also be looking at the ab-
stracts to select several students to give short pre-
sentations at the start of our subgroup meeting, as
we have done the last several years.
It should be a great meeting. See you in San
Francisco on Saturday, February 17, 2018.
Dixon J. Woodbury
, Subgroup Chair
The Mechanobiology Subgroup has a great
symposium planned for the BPS Annual Meet-
ing, which will be held February 17, 2018, in
San Francisco, California. We are delighted to
announce a preliminary program that includes (in
alphabetical order):
Daniel Fletcher
, University of
California, San Francisco;
Vernita Gordon
, Uni-
versity of Texas, Austin;
Sevan Hopyan
, University
of Toronto, additional speakers to be announced.
Our program includes both theory and experi-
ment, and model systems ranging from molecular
reconstitution to whole-organism biophysics.
In addition to the speakers listed above, we look
forward to talks from graduate students and post-
docs, which will be drawn from abstracts submit-
ted for the meeting. Student talks have been a
highlight of the symposium, and we are certain
that the coming year will be no exception.
Finally, we respectfully request that you consider
joining the subgroup when you are renewing
your membership dues. This modest financial
contribution helps defray the costs of organizing
the subgroup, and as importantly allows us to
keep in touch with you with news and updates on
subgroup business.
Alex Dunn
(Chair, 2018)
Meredith Betterton
(Secretary/Treasurer 2018)
Kristian Franze
(Chair, 2019)
New Subgroup forming: Cell Biophysics
To sign the petition in support of the subgroup, write to