Ralph Bahke
ONTRAS, Germany
Miroslav Bodnár
eustream, Slovakia
Andreas Rau
Czech Republic
Annie Krist
Gasunie Transport
Service, Netherlands
Torben Brabo
Energinet.dk, Denmark
Gaetano Mazzitelli
Snam Rete Gas, Italy
Helen Campbell
National Grid,
United Kingdom
Walter Peeraer
Fluxys, Belgium
Francisco Pablo
de la Flor García
Enagás, Spain
Thierry Trouvé
GRTgaz, France
Stephan Kamphues
President, Open Grid
Europe, Germany
Rafał Wittmann
Marjan Eberlinc
Plinovodi, Slovenia
DESFA, Greece
Zoltán Gellényi
FGSZ, Hungary
Harald Stindl
Gas Connect Austria,
The General Assembly endorsed the
recommendation from the ENTSOG
Board to accept Reganosa s.a. (Spain)
and BBL Company V.O.F. (Netherlands)
as members from 1 July 2014.
On 1 September 2014 Gas Connect
Austria took over BOG, which reduced
the number of Austrian TSOs.
Changes on Board level started on
8 January 2014 when Vladimir Outrata
(NET4GAS) informed the Board that he
gave up his seat on 16 December 2013.
As a consequence NET4GAS proposed to
the Board Andreas Rau as a replacement.
On 16 January 2014 the Board accepted
the proposal of the temporarily replace-
ment of Vladimir Outrata with Andreas Rau
(NET4GAS) as a Board Member. The
General Assembly approved the proposal
on 6 March 2014.
In line with the Article of Association the
General Assembly agreed and accepted
the replacement of Harald Stindl (Gas
Connect Austria) with Zoltán Gellényi
(FGSZ), Andreas Rau (NET4GAS) with
Milan Pavlik (eustream) and Dimitrios
Kardomateas (DESFA S.A.) with Marjan
Eberlinc (Plinovodi) in the ENTSOG
Board until the end of the current term.
These replacements became effective
with 1 July 2014.
In July 2014 Milan Pavlik resigned from
eustream S.A. His company proposed
Miroslav Bodnar as a replacement. On
11 September 2014 the Board accepted
the proposal of the temporarily replace-
ment. On 22 October 2014 the ENTSOG
General Assembly unanimously accepted
the suggested replacement until the end
of the term.
In 2014, our members, associated partner, observers and
Management Board underwent the following changes:
ENTSOG Annual Report 2014 |