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in process of implementation

(NRA decision pending)

not applicable, as regards scope,

impl. date or derogation under

Article 49 of Gas Directive

not implemented







31 European TSOs have already complied with

the requirements defined in Article 6 Regulation

(EU) 984/2013. This means that they have

jointly developed and applied a method with

neighbouring TSOs at their interconnection

points (IPs).

At a few IPs, neighbouring TSOs are still devel-

oping a joint method of capacity allocation man-

agement. Six TSOs are currently working on the

application of Article 6 Reg. 984/2013. Five of

these six TSOs have already developed a meth-

odology. Four of them are currently in discussion

with (nearly) all adjacent TSOs at their IPs in

order to agree on a methodology and/or applica-

tion. One of the five TSOs is still preparing a joint

approach to increasing capacities, since capac-

ity bundling at cross-border points will presuma-

bly not be applied before 1 November 2015.

This is due to the fact that bundling is not

currently covered in its national regulations.

One TSO is currently developing an approach for

a joint method to increase bundled capacity at


The survey conducted by ENTSOG indicates

that 31 of 47 TSOs (44 ENTSOG members and

3 associated partners) in EU have applied the

measures of Article 6 to maximise technical

capacity. Furthermore, six TSOs are currently

implementing or at least developing a joint

mechanism to be applied. Ten TSOs are exempt

from the Article 6 requirements since their

member states have been granted derogation

under Article 49 of the Gas Directive.

The diagram indicates that 84% (31 of 37 TSOs)

of the TSOs, whose member states have not

been granted derogation under Article 49 of Gas

Directive, have already implemented Article 6 of

CAM NC and that over 13% (5 of 37 TSOs) of

these TSOs are currently in the midst of imple-


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ENTSOG Annual Report 2014